Falls jemand kurzentschlossen Lust auf ein Blood Bowl Turnier hat: Ich veranstalte morgen/übermorgen eins in Heidelberg. Rechtzeitiges Erscheinen wäre ggf. ausreichend.
Regeln (leider nur in Englisch):
2 days (5 games)
Time Schedule:
03.10.2009: 10:00-10:30 Registration, 10:45-13:00 Game 1, 13:45-16:00 Game 2, 16:30-18:45 Game 3
04.10.2009: 10:45-13:00 Game 4, 14:00-16:15 Game 5
Living Rulebook 5.0 + 2008 Rules Review (http://www.blood-bowl.net/LRB_PBBL/LRB_5_plus_Experimental2008_lowres.pdf) will be used. The four-minute turn-limit and Illegal Procedures rules will not be enforced.
Each coach has 1,100,000 gold pieces to spend on their teams. The following restrictions apply:
The 21 official teams are allowed, i.e. Amazons, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Elves, Goblins, Halflings, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Lizardmen, Necromantic, Norse, Nurgle's Rotters, Ogres, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Vampires, Wood Elves.
The 3 new teams are allowed, i.e. Chaos Pact, Slann, Underworld (http://www.blood-bowl.net/LRB_PBBL/NewTeams_LRB6.pdf).
The following inducements are permitted: Bloodweiser Babes, Bribes, Halfling Master Chef, Igor, Star Players, Wandering Apothecaries.
At least 11 players (excluding Star Players) must be hired.
Teams are reset after each game:
All player injuries are annulled after each game.
Fan factor does not change between games.
Teams do not earn winnings.
Players do not earn Star Player Points.
In the first round, coaches play against a randomly drawn opponent. In the following rounds coaches are paired off against opponents who have a similar points tally.
Points are scored as follows for each game:
70 points for a win
40 points for a draw
15 points for a loss by one touchdown
5 points for a loss by two touchdowns or more
1 bonus point if you score 3 touchdowns or more (4 or more against Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Underworld teams)
1 bonus point if you cause 4 casualties or more (6 or more against Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Underworld teams)
In the event of a tie-break the coach with the highest TD-difference will be placed higher. If coaches are still tied, the coach with the highest casualty difference will be placed higher.
Team Development
160,000 gold pieces may be spent on pre-tournament training. Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Underworld teams may spent 190,000 gold pieces on pre-tournament training. This amount is entirely separate from the 1,100,000 gold pieces to be spent on hiring your team.
Players may be given skills according to the costs detailed below. Skills are organised into three variably priced tears.
Tier 1 skill = 30,000
Tier 2 skill = 20,000
Tier 3 skill = 10,000
'Double' skill: +20,000 (a 'double' choice enables a player to choose a skill beyond his normal field of access e.g. an agility skill for an Ogre).
If you take the same skill more than once, the price of the skill increases by 10,000 with every repetition.
No single player may take more than one skill.
Tier 1 (30,000 gp)
Block (G), Frenzy (G), Sure Hands (G), Strip Ball (G),
Dodge (A),
Leader (P),
Guard (S), Mighty Blow (S),
Claw (M)
Tier 2 (20,000 gp)
Dauntless (G), Dirty Player (G), Kick (G), Pro (G), Tackle (G), Wrestle (G),
Catch (A), Diving Catch (A), Diving Tackle (A), Leap (A), Side Step (A), Sprint (A), Sure Feet (A),
Accurate (P), Pass (P), Hail Mary Pass (P),
Break Tackle (S), Juggernaut (S), Piling On (S), Stand Firm (S),
Big Hand (M), Prehensile Tail (M), Tentacles (M), Two Heads (M)
Tier 3 (10,000 gp)
Fend (G), Kick-Off Return (G), Pass Block (G), Shadowing (G),
Jump Up (A), Sneaky Git (A),
Dump Off (P), Nerves of Steel (P), Safe Throw (P),
Grab (S), Multiple Block (S), Strong Arm (S), Thick Skull (S),
Disturbing Presence (M), Foul Appearance (M), Horns (M), Very Long Legs (M)
Example for training:
First skill: Block on Saurus: 30,000 gp
Second skill: Block on Kroxigor: 30,000 gp + 20,000 gp ('double') + 10,000 gp (second Block skill) = 60,000 gp
Third skill: Block on Saurus: 30,000 gp +20,000 gp (third Block skill) = 50,000 gp
Fourth skill: Break Tackle on Saurus: 20,000 gp
Regeln (leider nur in Englisch):
2 days (5 games)
Time Schedule:
03.10.2009: 10:00-10:30 Registration, 10:45-13:00 Game 1, 13:45-16:00 Game 2, 16:30-18:45 Game 3
04.10.2009: 10:45-13:00 Game 4, 14:00-16:15 Game 5
Living Rulebook 5.0 + 2008 Rules Review (http://www.blood-bowl.net/LRB_PBBL/LRB_5_plus_Experimental2008_lowres.pdf) will be used. The four-minute turn-limit and Illegal Procedures rules will not be enforced.
Each coach has 1,100,000 gold pieces to spend on their teams. The following restrictions apply:
The 21 official teams are allowed, i.e. Amazons, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Elves, Goblins, Halflings, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Lizardmen, Necromantic, Norse, Nurgle's Rotters, Ogres, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Vampires, Wood Elves.
The 3 new teams are allowed, i.e. Chaos Pact, Slann, Underworld (http://www.blood-bowl.net/LRB_PBBL/NewTeams_LRB6.pdf).
The following inducements are permitted: Bloodweiser Babes, Bribes, Halfling Master Chef, Igor, Star Players, Wandering Apothecaries.
At least 11 players (excluding Star Players) must be hired.
Teams are reset after each game:
All player injuries are annulled after each game.
Fan factor does not change between games.
Teams do not earn winnings.
Players do not earn Star Player Points.
In the first round, coaches play against a randomly drawn opponent. In the following rounds coaches are paired off against opponents who have a similar points tally.
Points are scored as follows for each game:
70 points for a win
40 points for a draw
15 points for a loss by one touchdown
5 points for a loss by two touchdowns or more
1 bonus point if you score 3 touchdowns or more (4 or more against Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Underworld teams)
1 bonus point if you cause 4 casualties or more (6 or more against Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Underworld teams)
In the event of a tie-break the coach with the highest TD-difference will be placed higher. If coaches are still tied, the coach with the highest casualty difference will be placed higher.
Team Development
160,000 gold pieces may be spent on pre-tournament training. Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Underworld teams may spent 190,000 gold pieces on pre-tournament training. This amount is entirely separate from the 1,100,000 gold pieces to be spent on hiring your team.
Players may be given skills according to the costs detailed below. Skills are organised into three variably priced tears.
Tier 1 skill = 30,000
Tier 2 skill = 20,000
Tier 3 skill = 10,000
'Double' skill: +20,000 (a 'double' choice enables a player to choose a skill beyond his normal field of access e.g. an agility skill for an Ogre).
If you take the same skill more than once, the price of the skill increases by 10,000 with every repetition.
No single player may take more than one skill.
Tier 1 (30,000 gp)
Block (G), Frenzy (G), Sure Hands (G), Strip Ball (G),
Dodge (A),
Leader (P),
Guard (S), Mighty Blow (S),
Claw (M)
Tier 2 (20,000 gp)
Dauntless (G), Dirty Player (G), Kick (G), Pro (G), Tackle (G), Wrestle (G),
Catch (A), Diving Catch (A), Diving Tackle (A), Leap (A), Side Step (A), Sprint (A), Sure Feet (A),
Accurate (P), Pass (P), Hail Mary Pass (P),
Break Tackle (S), Juggernaut (S), Piling On (S), Stand Firm (S),
Big Hand (M), Prehensile Tail (M), Tentacles (M), Two Heads (M)
Tier 3 (10,000 gp)
Fend (G), Kick-Off Return (G), Pass Block (G), Shadowing (G),
Jump Up (A), Sneaky Git (A),
Dump Off (P), Nerves of Steel (P), Safe Throw (P),
Grab (S), Multiple Block (S), Strong Arm (S), Thick Skull (S),
Disturbing Presence (M), Foul Appearance (M), Horns (M), Very Long Legs (M)
Example for training:
First skill: Block on Saurus: 30,000 gp
Second skill: Block on Kroxigor: 30,000 gp + 20,000 gp ('double') + 10,000 gp (second Block skill) = 60,000 gp
Third skill: Block on Saurus: 30,000 gp +20,000 gp (third Block skill) = 50,000 gp
Fourth skill: Break Tackle on Saurus: 20,000 gp