AoS (engl) Tales of the Blazenhearts


Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Hi Leute, es kann natürlich sein, dass dieser Thread in einem deuschsprachigen Forum verschwendet sein könnte. Ich habe einen Großteil meiner Geschichten auch auf englisch übersetzt um sie bei der TGA-Community posten zu können.
Nachdem es sein kann, dass manche Leute hier im Forum ihren AoS Hintergrund auch lieber auf englisch lesen, werde ich hier über die nächste Zeit auch die englischen Geschichten posten. Teilweise habe ich auch, um die Zeit abzukürzen erstmal Google die Hauptarbeit machen lassen und anschließend noch nachkorrigiert. Kann natürlich sein, dass doch noch Fehler drin sind.
Für Verbesserungsvorschläge bin ich auch immer dankbar.

Allgemeiner Hintergrund

02.02.2018Judicator Prime, Yelena Stormheart #2
02.02.2018Vanguard Raptor, Ramir #2
02.02.2018Liberator Prime, Samuel und Riko Stormclaw #3
02.02.2018Liberator Prime, Beowolf #3

Tales of Yelena Stormheart
02.02.2018Reforged, a new Life #4
02.02.2018Reunion of Sisters #7
02.02.2018Departure to ordeal #7
04.06.2018Yelenas first mission #8
Tales of Lucas
The first battle of the Blazenhearts #9
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Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Hier habe ich schonmal die zwei Charakterbeschreibungen von Yelena Stormheart und Ramir. Falls es Verwunderung gibt warum bei Ramir trotz englischer Übersetzung Mithrilfels statt Mithrilrock steht. Ursprünglich hatte ich den Städtenamen übersetzt, bekam aber später bei den Gläubigen von Eloni Übersetzungsprobleme mit der Stadt Rosenheim. Ein Nutzer der TGA Community meinte, das ich ja auch die deutschen Namen behalten könnte und das Mithrilfels besser klingen würde als Mithrilrock.

Judicator Prime, Yelena Stormheart

Before her Reforging, Yelena was a sister of the verdant cycle order. The Order had build multiple monasteries, sanctified to Allarielle, in Eloni, a continent of the realm Ghyran. Yelena was assigned to the spectral monastery, which was build next to the spectral gate, a Realmgate to the realm Hysh, where several aelfish brothers and sisters did came from. Next to their studies, Yelena had chosen the path as a ranger and mastered the art of archery for hunting in this context. When her monastery was attacked by skaven, she warned her brothers and sisters and fought against the hordes. Despite the situation seemed hopeless, she fought heroic, shooting dozens of skaven until she hadn’t any arrows left and was ready to die with her hunting dagger in her hand, when Sigmar called her to Azyr. Because of her arts with the bow, she was reforged as a Judicator and assigned to the Celestial Vindicators. Through her good results with the bow in training, she earned the right using a Shockbolt bow and accomplished the rang of a Prime. By chance she found out that another sister of order, sister Verena was also saved by Sigmar and reforged as a Liberator. Until today both cultivate their friendship, which they had back than in the order. When there Thunderhead Brotherhood was sent to the Scabrous Sprawl, she recognized the parasite engine, that had the shape of the mole rat, which she had seen in the distance when her monastery was attacked and she aimed to commit vengeance for her dead brothers and sisters.

Vanguard Raptor Prime, Ramir
Before he was reforged Ramir was a Gunmaster in the guildsity Mithrilfels, in the realm of Chamon. One quarter of Mithrilfels was built into the mountain by the Duardin, which could be assured by a massive twenty metre high door and get access to there mine shafts, while the remaining of the city range over multiple square kilometers of land and was assured by massive walls. The city got her renown by trading armour, weapons and war engines made by the Ironweld Arsenal. Many citys in the continent Eloni were there most important costumers, which through the Mithrilgate outside of the city. Ramir lived there since he was a apprentice and turned out as a gifted weapon builder and excellent marksman, whereas his favorite gun was a Long Rifle. To test his weapons he had gone hunting several times, where he was supported by his tamed falcon he called 'Caroline'. Nobody had thought, that an enemy force would dare to attack the city. Then came the age of chaos. Through the city was besieged by Slaves of Darkness, daemons of Tzeentch and skaven artillery and they were cut of the Mithrilgate, came skaven of clan skryre with the help of their warp-grinders into the city and sabotaged the defences. After Ramir has shot three Stormfiends with his long Rifle and killed dozens of acolytes and weaponteams with his pistols for three days he was out of ammonition, cause multiple ammo dumps exploded by skaven sabotage. To survive longer Ramir was forced to used his Long Rifle as a club. The Duardin had abandoned the outskirts of the city and sealed off the montainpart, whereby the retreat to the mountain was cut off. During surviving two further days of besiegement and slaying two dozens ratsmen with Carolines help, he was confronted by another unit of Stormfiends. He was sure, that he would die that day, but decides to die fighting. In that moment he was called from the battlefield by Sigmar and Reforged as a Vanguard Raptor of the Celestial Vindicators. Through his excellent performance as marksman with the Long Rifle, Ramir got entrusted with a Longstrike Crossbow and was got an Aetherwing to his side which he called ‘Caroline’ after his old comrade, when he was promoted to primestatus. Besides his hatred against the skaven, Ramir had developed a grudge against the Duardin, for forsaking the rest of the city.

Später folgen mehr der Geschichten. Ausgenommen der Geschichte "Clash with an old Enemy" (also der Geschichte "Aufeinandertreffen mit einem alten Feind", die ich bei den deutschen Geschichten zweigeteilt hatte), habe ich von allen meinen anderen Geschichten bereits ne Übersetzung angefertigt.
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Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Hier kommt Part zwei des heutigen Uploads.
Die englischen Übersetzungen von Riko und Samuel Stormclaw sowie Beowolf

Liberator Prime, Samuel und Riko Stormclaw
Samuel and Rike had grown up as the sons of the chieftain of the stormclaw clan, a warriorclan in Ghur. There heraldic symbol was a stormtiger, a creature, 5 meters in size, that rides on the winds and his roar causes storms. Tales suggests, that the first chieftain of the clan had slain one of those beasts and the first blades of the clan were crafted by the teeth of the beast. Due to the tradition both learned fast, like all other boys, how to handle a sword. Samuel, the older of both brothers was more calm and focused while Riko was often guided by his wild nature. Both achieved the arts of mastering the two-handed sword whereby Samuel achieved it four years before his brother because of his calm nature and was promoted to the rank of a Greatswords Champion inside the clan. Together they fought back several rival clans, but it was the encounter with the Greywolf Clan, that should change everything. It was a hard blow for both to see, when Beowulf, the chieftain of the Greywolf Clan, slayed their father in duel with his warhammer. Samuel ran in blind rage to Beowulf and entangled him into a duel. It was the first time in Rikos life, that the saw Samuel in that state of rage. When his shock dissolved, he ran to his brother to support him in combat, since Samuel wouldn’t survive this alone after their father had failed the duel and both combatants had shown some cuts and bruises. The Battle felt like hours, as the booming of drums and stomping of feet let the fighters pause the battle for a moment. All warriors knew which meaning the sounds had. An Ironjaws Warclan got attention of the battle noises. Both clans were exhausted by the battle against each other, but the imminent arrival of the Ironjaws let them forgot there rivalry for a moment. As the Orruks arrived, they cause a bloodbath between both clans. At the end only Samuel, Riko and Beowulf were standing in a triangle back to back and achieved it to fight back several Brutes and Ardboys. Near to exhaustion and just before collapsing Sigmar saved and reforged them. Both brothers were assigned the Liberators and chose a Grandblade as there weapon. Samuel got Prime of the so called ‘White Shields’, a unit of Liberators that wear white instead of torquoise shields in dependence to the Stormclaw Clan as a trademark while Riko’s unit is armed with two Warblades to fit his wilder nature.
To their surprise both noticed, that Beowulf was also reforged as a Liberator and became Prime of a unit. Everytime Samuel and Beowulf got close to each other, Riko had the feeling, that his brother would mentally transform into a beast and he or members of Samuels retinue had to hold him back. In such moments it felt like both brothers had swapped their behaviors, as Riko in contrast to his brother had resigned with the fact that the feud wouldn’t bring there father back and his hatred more apply to the Orruks who slaughters both clans.

Liberator Prime, Beowulf
Beowulf was the chieftain of the Greywolf clan. Tales inside the clan claim, that Beowulfs mother was a werewolf, what would explain his fangs and his wild nature, but nobody knows whether these stories are true. Its only known, that the clan founds him inside the steppe and received him to the clan. In the age of 16 years, he got into a dispute with the chieftain in that process he slayed the chieftain and took his place. From that moment Beowulf was fears inside his clan and from rivaling clans. He ruled his clan with iron hand until he was about 35 years old and encountered the Stormclaw clan, what would change everything. Beowulf had gathered his clan to attack the camp of the Stormclaws. With the howling of wild wulfs they charged the camp. Beowulf slayed everyone who got in his way and involved the chieftain into a duel. After multiple contacts between two handed sword and warhammer he overwhelmed his opponent and slayed him by crushing his skull with his warhammer. He just had shouldered his hammer, when he heard an outcry behind him and parried the blade of a jung Greatswords Champion with the shaft of his hammer, in the last moment. Beowulf could see the burning fire of hatred in the eyes of his opponent and recognized his face as one of the sons of the chieftain. He was surprised about the wild combat style for a moment, but composed oneself quick and continued the battle. His enemy incited his own wolfish instincts. Both took bloody wounds from the battle, when another warrior of the Greatswords engaged the battle and he had to defend against two. The battle felt like eternity, but all warriors paused for a moment, as the booming of drums and stomping of feet got louder. Beowulf knew that they got into massive trouble. An Ironjaws Warclan got attention of the battle noises. Both clans were exhausted by the battle against each other, but the imminent arrival of the Ironjaws let them forgot there rivalry for a moment. As the Orruks arrived, they cause a bloodbath between both clans. At the end only Samuel, Riko and Beowulf were standing in a triangle back to back and achieved it to fight back several Brutes and Ardboys. Near to exhaustion and just before collapsing Sigmar saved and reforged them. Beowulf was reforged as a Liberator and chose a Grandhammer as his weapon. Because of his postition as chieftain and his wild combat style he raised into the rang of a Prime. After he noticed, that both sons of the Stormclaw Clan were reforged, too, he tried to avoid the confrontation with them. They were rivals and he had never thought, that they would ever fight side by side. While every confrontation, Samuel had to be restrain by his brother or members of his retinue, so he didn’t charge at him. Beowulf felt compunction since he first met Samuel after the reforging. He wanted to leave his old life behind, but he didn’t know how he could do this.
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Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Auch wenn die chronologische Reihenfolge später wahrscheinlich eh nicht mehr stimmt. Hier erstmal Reforged, a new life (die englische Variante der Geschichte "Neugeschmiedet, ein neues Leben", die ich vor ca. 3 Wochen erst geschrieben hatte.)

Reforged, a new life
'Uh, what happened to me?' The young woman wondered as she slowly came to herself. Everything in her head was spinning, and when she opened her eyes, she felt blinded and at first only blurred. As her eyes cleared, she realized that this place wasn’t familiar to her. She was in a small room with bare walls. Several candles burned in candle holders that were attached to the wall. She lay in a rather simple bed with white sheets, which was still in a much better condition than her own bed had been with the Order. As she sat up slowly, she noticed pain in her whole body. She felt like she had gone through hell literally. As she looked down, she noticed she was dressed in a sleeveless turquoise robe with the symbol of a two-tailed comet embroidered with gold strand. 'Isn’t that the sign of Sigmar?', The young woman thought in surprise. Still slightly dazed, she examined her body. She had changed. Her body was more muscular than she remembered and she had the feeling that she was taller as well. In addition to the stronger muscles she saw small scars, she never had seen before. 'What happened to me?' She wondered aloud.
'As I see you coming to you,' a calm voice said from the door.
'What?', The young woman startled from her thoughts and looked to the door. A tall figure in turquoise armor, with white shoulder armor and gold decorations stood in the doorway. His face was hidden behind a skull-shaped mask. 'Who ... who are you and where am I? Am I dead? 'The young woman asked. The sight of the figure frightened her. She had never seen such a figure before.
'Dead?' The figure asked in a calm, analytical voice. 'Well, let's say you’re not dead anymore. You really were dead for a long time. But our god Sigmar saved your soul and gave you new life. To introduce myself first. My name is Morbius. I’m Lord Relictor of the Celestial Vindicators. We belong to a group called Stormcast Eternals. How are you feeling?'
'My whole body hurts and feels tense.'
'This is normal after the first reforging. You'll feel better and stronger soon', Morbius said calmly.
'What do I mean by reforging?'
'All in good time. What do you remember from the time before you woke up here? '
The young woman tried to collect her thoughts. 'My name ... my name is Yelena Stormheart. I’m a novice of the verdant cycle. The monastery of the order was attacked by ratmen. The last thing I can remember is fighting against them. '
'Can you tell me something about the Order, Mrs. Stormheart?'
'The Order devoted itself to the worship of the Everqueen Alarielle.'
'Oh, you were a worshipper Alarielles?'
'Yes,' said Yelena, looking questioningly at Morbius, but couldn’t see through the skull mask and his calm voice how she should assess his reaction. 'Is that a problem for you?'
'No, Alarielle was an important ally in Sigmar's Pantheon. But we have not heard anything for centuries. '
'Alarielle is a living person?' Yelena asked, puzzled.
'Of course, she's lives in Ghyran. However, during the Age of Chaos, she has retreated to a secret place. Sigmar is also alive and reigning from this palace. '
Yelena could hardly believe what she heard. Although she had heard stories from the myths during her studies, she had assumed they were stories and myths.
'May I ask you something, Lord Morbius?'
'What do you want?' Morbius replied.
'What happened to the spectral monastery?'
'Unfortunately, I do not have much information about the monastery, except that it was destroyed centuries ago. Maybe our acolytes in libraries have a scroll about it.
Yelena's eyes widened. She took a hand over her mouth and shook her head in disbelief before asking, 'Centuries ago? That means, everyone I knew is probably dead? '
'Quite possible. But I have no information what happened to your friends. '
Yelena did not know what to say when she thought of everyone she had known. She had lost everything. They felt close to tears.
Morbius put his armored hand on her shoulder: 'I can understand how you feel. We have all lost many friends in the last few centuries. The forces of chaos have occupied large parts of the empires, desecrating places, killing people, duardin and aelfes alike who could not be converted by them. You have to be strong for what is to come! Do you still have questions before I have to leave you for now? 'Even though his voice is calm and partial feeling cold, compassion was still felt. Yelena looked into the skull mask's eyes: 'Where am I? You say something about a palace.'
'This is Sigmar's palace in Azyr, the last sanctuary for the peoples of order. Blessed be Sigmar that he could prevent the conquest of Azyr. But we will soon recover the realms of chaos. I will leave you now. You will also receive your armor tomorrow and fight for Sigmar and all the peoples of order. The maids will help you buckle it on. They will then escort you to the Judicator Temple, where your training will begin.' Morbius turned and left the room. Yelena's thoughts flickered. 'I had been dead for centuries? And now should I, a faithful of Alarielles, fight for Sigmar? 'Several hours passed while Yelena tried to handle her losses before she decided to get up and learn about her new surroundings. She slipped in a pair of sandals that stood in front of her bed. She felt a bit shaky on her feet in relation to the time she didn’t had walked and went to the door to possibly get some more information about her new life.
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19 August 2012
Eh. Man merkt, dass Englisch nicht deine vertrauteste Sprache ist. :)

Ich kann Verbesserungen vorschlagen und/oder Tipps geben, aber das würde vermutlich einen Großteil der Sätze bemängeln und das klingt dann etwas herablassend.
Wenn du willst kann ich das tun, aber das würde ich nur auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch.

Dennoch möchte ich anmerken, dass da wenig grob falsch ist. Es sind oft nur seltsame Formulierungen oder Formen.


Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Für Verbesserungen bin ich grundsätzlich offen (hab ich ja auch im ersten Post geschrieben). Mein Englisch reicht in den meisten Fällen um Posts zu verfassen oder ne passable Übersetzung eines Regeltextes zusammenzubekommen. Hier habe ich halt den Fall, dass ich die Stories ja erst auf deutsch geschrieben und später übersetzt hatte. Die Charakterbeschreibungen hatte ich im Grunde noch komplett händisch übersetzt (mit ein wenig Suche über, wenn ich mal ein passendes Wort gesucht habe), während ich bei den größeren Stories teilweise die Hauptarbeit erstmal an Google Translator abgegeben hatte, damit es grundsätzlich ein klein wenig schneller geht, und anschließend nochmal drübergelesen um falsch klingendes zu ersetzen. Kann natürlich sein, dass mir da dann das ein oder andere durchgerutscht ist.

Nach aktuellem Stand fehlen noch 3 Stories, bei einer ist aber meine erste Korrektur noch nicht durch.

Vielleicht sind diese Formulierungsmangel aber auch der Grund, das ich bei der TGA-Community recht wenig resonanz bekomme.
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Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Hier sind noch die beiden Stories die mit Yelenas erstem Auftrag verbunden sind und im Grunde diesbezüglich auch zusammengehören.

Reunion of Sisters
Yelena was nervous as she grabbed her Shockbolt Bow. Her Thunderhead Brotherhood was chosen to support Thostos Bladestorm and Vandus Hammerhand by the recapture of Ghal Maraz in the Eldritch Fortress. She had done excellent in training, but this time it was the first real approach of her new powers as a Stormcast Eternal. Because of her plait, which she weared despite her shaved head, since she was a sister of the verdant cycle order, she decides herself against wearing the usual helmet with facemask. She left her quarter and ran through the hallway to gather her retinue, when she passed some Liberators. She stopped abruptly when she heard a female voice calling her name behind her. Yelena turned arround, her sight fixing the only Liberatress of the group. First she didn’t know that to say. Her subconscious had recognized the voice, but that was from a time hundreds of years ago. ‘Was this possible?’, she thoughts with a astonished look. Her opponent sensed the confusion in Yelenas countenance and grasp her helmet. ‘So, we were both chosen by Sigmar when the monastery was attacked by the Skaven', she said while removing her helmet.
‘Verena!’, said Yelena a little stunned, when she saw the pale, freckled face of her former friend. ‘I thought for hundred of years, that I was the only survivor’
‘I thought the same', said Verena back, while sharing a hug after all this time. ‘While the training I had mostly to do with the other Liberators.’
‘Listen Verena. I’m glad to see you again, but our conversations has to wait for another time. The Thunderhead Brotherhood I’m assigned to is dispatched to the Eldritch Fortress to support Thostos Bladestorm and Vandus Hammerhand by the recapture of Ghal Maraz.’
‘We got that order, too’, replied Verena.
In this moment Yelena realized that Verena weared the same white Tabard, like her. ‘So, we are assigned to the same Brotherhood. Then we should hurry. Our brothers and sisters need us down in the Eldritch Fortress’, said Yelena while her voice has some force of her rang as Prime.
Verena put her helmet back on, before she replied: ‘Yes sister, we are paying back, what chaos had done to the inhabitants of the realms for hundreds of years.’ With a last clasp of hands they continued their way. Yelena had meanwhile forgot her nervousness, after knowing, that she would fight together with a familiar soul from old times.
to be continued...

Departure to ordeal
It didn’t take a long time for Yelena to gather her retinue. At that moment her unit contained five members. When she glanced around, to see how many of the units had markings of the Blazenhearts she noticed that only fourty of her brotherhood was ready. These consist three retinues of Liberators and a second retinue of Judicators. Verena was assigned to Riko Stormclaws retinue, one of the two Stormclaw brothers. After Valten Blazenheart, their Lord-Celestant was at another mission, Lord Castellant Victor Brightsoul would lead them in their first mission. As she gazed over again she saw several other stormhosts including the Hammers of Sigmar and Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Then she saw Ionus Cryptborn, the Lord Relictor of the Hammers of Sigmar as he stepped in front of the Stromhosts. ‘Brothers and Sisters. The Situation is critical. Several brothers had fallen in there mission in Chamon and came back to Azyr. However our Lord Celestants Vandus Hammerhand and Thostos Bladestorm are near their goal to reach the hammer, but are close before the point to get isolated from their retinues! To make things worse, Kairos Fateweaver prepares a ritual to bring Ghal Maraz into the realm of Chaos. We are running out of time and have to act immediately! Our mission will not fail and we will regain Ghal Maraz! FOR SIGMAR!’
Thousands of Voices joined in and raised their fists to salute.
Minutes later Sigmar through the stormhosts as meteors down to Chamon. With a hard impact, they landet in the inner courtyard of the Eldritch Fortress. Parts of the walls collapsed by the impact. Yelena tried to orientate herself shortly, before the grabbed her bow. She saw Vandus Hammerhand on his dracoth and then the first Chaos Warriors between her and him.
She tried to judge the distance as Victor gave the command to charge: ‘Liberators, advance! Judicators, give them shooting support!’, that was her signal. She gave her retinue order to target the Chaos Warriors which blocked the way to Vandus Hammerhand and bend her bow. In the time of seconds she found her target let down a rain of arrows, whereby multiple chaos warriors collapsed. Her shot followed volleyshots of her retinue and quarrels of the other Judicators. Riko and Samuels retinue advanced and involved the closest chaos warriors into close combat. In this moment Ionus Cryptborn and his subordinated units marched ahead to reach Vandus. First troops of chaos had overcome their confusion caused by the new arrivals and started to charge, while Horrors and Flamers of Tzeentech let rain fire upon the Stormhosts. Yelena shots volley after volley until she heard a shout from her retinue: ‘Judicatress Yelena! Watch out!’ In that moment she was pushed aside, as a member of her retinue was struck by warpflames instead of her. He collapsed by breathing hard before he raised back to Azyr as blue light. ‘We will see us again', said Yelena partly sad and frustrated after she realized, that he has sacrificed himself to save her because she was to focused on her targets, got back on her feet and targeted the Flamer that had caught her nearly. He screamed in a high pitched voice, when he dematerialized after spiked with multiple arrows. Additional blue lights raised to Azyr, but Vandus, Thostos and Ionus could advance further. In this moment the ground started to quake and parts of the fortress started to raise, though the main part of retinues were cut off. It was too late for the retinues of her chamber to get up there and so there was only the hope, that the retinues that had reached the rising part of the fortress could succeed in their mission. 'Cause as much damage as you can!', shouted Yelena, while her own unit contained only two other Judicators and she gained control over three of the other Judicators after their prime had fallen. In the distance , she saw Riko’s retinue, that had only four members left. Verena was in combat with a Chaos warrior, while two other warriors closed the distance to her from behind. 'No, you will not do that!', said Yelena, more to herself and target them. Another volley fell both warriors. Verena decapitated the warrior she was engaged to and realized the fallen warriors behind her, with arrows sticking in there backs. With a salute she thanked Yelena and turned her attention to the next Warrior.
They were all getting nervous because they couldn’t be part of the main goal. Then a scream, coming from two throats let all warriors to pause for a moment. 'What happened up there?', ask one Judicator of her retinue. Yelena was clueless for a moment, then she noticed the disturbance between the daemons. There would only be one conclusion for that scream. Kairos Fateweaver had fallen. Chaos troops around her started to retreat. Then Vandus Hammerhand stood on the parapet of the fortress. The Hammer in his hand wasn’t Heldensen but instead Ghal Maraz. All Stormcast Eternals raised their weapons and shouted of delight. Today they gained an important victory.
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Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
So, ich hab mal ein paar Änderungen bei den letzten Zwei geschichten gemacht. Da sie aber im Grunde eh zusammengehörten, hab ich die beiden Geschichten Reunion of Sisters und Departure to ordeal unter dem neuen Titel Yelenas first mission zusammengefasst. Ich hoffe, dass die Formulierung ein wenig besser ist.

Yelenas first mission

Yelena felt a little nervous as she grabbed her Shockbolt Bow. Her Thunderhead Brotherhood was chosen to support Thostos Bladestorm and Vandus Hammerhand to recapture of Ghal Maraz in the Eldritch Fortress. Her results in training were excellent, but this time it was the real mission since she became a Stormcast Eternal. Because of her pigtail, that she weared despite her shaved head since she was a sister of the verdant cycle order, she decides herself against wearing the usual helmet with facemask. She left her quarter and ran through the hallway to gather her retinue, when she passed some Liberators.
‘Yelena, is that you?’, a female voice asked.
Yelena stopped abruptly and turned around, her sight fixing the only Liberatress of the group. First she didn’t know that to say. Her subconscious had recognized the voice, but that was from a time hundreds of years ago. ‘Was this possible?’, she thoughts with a astonished look. Her opposite sensed the confusion in Yelenas look and grasp her helmet. ‘Do you recognize me?’, she ask while removing her helmet.
‘Verena!’, said Yelena a little stunned, when she saw the pale, freckled face of her former friend. ‘I thought, that I was the only survivor’
‘I thought the same', said Verena back, while sharing a hug after all this time. ‘So, we were both chosen by Sigmar when the monastery was attacked by the Skaven. While the training I had mostly to do with the other Liberators.’
‘Listen Verena. I’m glad to see you again, but our conversations has to wait for another time. The Thunderhead Brotherhood I’m assigned to is dispatched to the Eldritch Fortress to support Thostos Bladestorm and Vandus Hammerhand to recapture of Ghal Maraz.’
‘We got that order, too’, replied Verena.
In this moment Yelena realized that Verena weared the same white Tabard, like her. ‘So, we are assigned to the same Brotherhood. Then we should hurry. Our brothers and sisters need us down in the Eldritch Fortress’, said Yelena while her voice has some force of her rang as Prime.
Verena put her helmet back on, before she replied: ‘Yes sister, we are paying back, what chaos had done to the inhabitants of the realms for hundreds of years.’ With a last clasp of hands they continued their way. Yelena had meanwhile forgot her nervousness, after knowing, that she would fight together with a familiar soul from old times.

Minutes later, they arrived at the Sigmarbulum. Yelena searched the hall for other members of there Chamber.
‘There they are’, Verena said as she saw a cyan colored helmet with a orange plum. After they arrived it didn’t take Yelena long to gather her retinue. At that moment her unit did consist of five members. When she glanced around, to see how many of the units had markings of the Blazenhearts she noticed that only fourty of her brotherhood were ready. These consist three retinues of Liberators and a second retinue of Judicators. Verena was assigned to Riko Stormclaws retinue, one of the two Stormclaw brothers. After Valten Blazenheart, their Lord-Celestant was at another mission, Lord Castellant Victor Brightsoul would lead them in their first mission. As she gazed over again she saw several other stormhosts including the Hammers of Sigmar and Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Then she saw Ionus Cryptborn, the Lord Relictor of the Hammers of Sigmar as he stepped in front of the Stromhosts. ‘Brothers and Sisters. The Situation is critical. Several brothers had fallen in this mission in Chamon and came back to Azyr. I was one of them. However our Lord Celestants Vandus Hammerhand and Thostos Bladestorm are near their goal to reach Ghal Maraz. But are also close before getting isolated from their retinues! To make things worse, Kairos Fateweaver prepares a ritual to bring Ghal Maraz into the realm of Chaos. We are running out of time and have to act immediately! Our mission will not fail and we will regain Ghal Maraz! FOR SIGMAR!’
Thousands of Voices joined in and raised their fists to salute.
Minutes later Sigmar through the stormhosts as meteors down to Chamon. With a hard impact, they landet in the inner courtyard of the Eldritch Fortress. Parts of the walls collapsed by the impact. Yelena tried to orientate herself shortly, before the grabbed her bow. She saw Vandus Hammerhand on his dracoth and then the first Chaos Warriors between her and him.
She tried to judge the distance as Victor gave the command to charge: ‘Liberators, advance! Judicators, give them shooting support!’, that was her signal. She gave her retinue order to target the Chaos Warriors which blocked the way to Vandus Hammerhand and bend her bow. In the time of seconds she found her target let down a rain of arrows, whereby multiple chaos warriors collapsed. Her shot followed volleyshots of her retinue and quarrels of the other Judicators. Riko and Samuels retinue advanced and involved the closest chaos warriors into close combat. In this moment Ionus Cryptborn and his subordinated units marched ahead to reach Vandus. First troops of chaos had overcome their confusion caused by the new arrivals and started to charge, while Horrors and Flamers of Tzeentech let rain fire upon the Stormhosts. Yelena shots volley after volley until she heard a shout from her retinue: ‘Judicatress Yelena! Watch out!’
In that moment she was pushed aside, as a member of her retinue was struck by warp flames instead of her. He collapsed by breathing hard before he raised back to Azyr as blue light. ‘We will see us again', said Yelena partly sad and frustrated after she realized, that he has sacrificed himself to save her because she was to focused on her targets.
She shook her head, got back on her feet and targeted the Flamer that had caught her nearly. He screamed in a high pitched voice, when he dematerialized after spiked with multiple arrows. Additional blue lights raised to Azyr, but Vandus, Thostos and Ionus advanced further. In this moment the ground started to quake and parts of the fortress started to raise, though the main part of retinues were cut off. It was too late for the retinues of her chamber to get up there and so there was only the hope, that the retinues that had reached the rising part of the fortress could succeed in their mission. 'Cause as much damage as you can!', shouted Yelena, while her own unit contained only two other Judicators and she gained control over three of the other Judicators after their prime had fallen. In the distance , she saw Riko’s retinue, that had only four members left. Verena was in combat with a Chaos warrior, while two other warriors closed the distance to her from behind. 'No, you will not do that!', said Yelena, more to herself and target them. Another volley fell both warriors. Verena decapitated the warrior she was engaged to and realized the fallen warriors behind her, with arrows sticking in there backs. With a salute she thanked Yelena and turned her attention to the next Warrior.
They were all getting nervous because they couldn’t be part of the main goal. A scream, coming from two throats let all warriors to pause for a moment. 'What happened up there?', ask one Judicator of her retinue. Yelena was clueless for a moment, then she noticed the disturbance between the daemons. There would only be one conclusion for that scream. Kairos Fateweaver had fallen. Chaos troops around her started to retreat. Then Vandus Hammerhand stood on the parapet of the fortress. The Hammer in his hand wasn’t Heldensen but instead Ghal Maraz. All Stormcast Eternals raised their weapons and shouted of delight. Today they gained an important victory.
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Sigmars Bibliothekar
Super Moderator
29 August 2011
Ich hab gestern noch die englische Übersetzung für die erste Schlacht der Blazenhearts gemacht (also die Geschichte die zu meinem Hinterlandsspiel vor über einem Jahr). Ich hab aber auch ein paar Änderungen gemacht, da der Kampfpart am Ende doch sehr abrupt war. Dies hat im Nachhinein auch Auswirkung auf die deusche Geschichte die nachträglich noch Änderungen erfahren hat.

The first battle of the Blazenhearts

Lucas flew his circles over the battlefield. It was the first mission of the Blazenhearts and the Knight Venator had agreed to explore the area for Valten Blazenheart from the air. During the briefing in Azyr it turned out that a warband of Khorgos Khuls Goretide was threateningly close to a refugee camp recently discovered by the Hammers of Sigmar. Sigmar had sent Valten Blazenheart along with him and a Thunderhead Brotherhood to the camp near the ruins of the former city of Magmadrom to intercept this group. Valten had instructed his Liberator Prime Beowulf to fortify the camp, but there was a risk that this attachment would not finish on time. For this reason, Valten had gathered a small group. Duncan, a Liberator from Beowulf's retinue, who, like his Prime, used a grandhammer as a weapon, had first reported his support to Lord Celestant. In addition, Jaina and Steve, two Liberators followed the other Liberator followers and Vladimir, a Judicator with his Crossbow.

They wanted to slow down the advance to give the other more time.

'Magmadrom must have been an impressive city in the past,' Lucas thought as he looked down at the ruins from the air. The city was crisscrossed with several channels through which a steady stream of lava flowed and as unbelievable as it seemed to areas in Aqshy, there seemed to have been a small forested facility in the city. The chirping of his Stareagles, which Lucas called 'Veronica', brought him out of his thoughts.

"What did you see, Veronica?" He asked, scanning the area. Near the burned-out ruins of a commercial building he could see the first offshoots of the Bloodbound. Several Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers led by a Slaughterpriest made their way through the severely damaged ruins. "We have to tell the Lord Celestant," he said to Veronica, and made a turn. After a short flight, he could see the turquoise armor of his teammates between the rubble. Lucas dived and landed next to the Lord Celestant, dropping to his knees as he landed.

"First offshoots of the Bloodbound are approaching," Lucas said, saluting. "The ruins and debris in the area, however, seem to slow them down."

"Good," replied Valten. "That will give the others more time to fortify the camp. We will encounter them here. Men, take position in this area. Lucas, you will observe from above and if we fail you will fly back to Beowulf"

"Are you sure I shouldn’t fight by your side, Lord Blazenheart?" Lucas asked, a little worried.

Valten put his hand on his shoulder and said, "I know this mission is likely to be a suicide mission. Lucas, you are the highest ranking officer next to me. Should we be defeated you should lead the units here until I return. No matter what, do not fight. You have served me well as a scout. "

"As you wish, Lord Blazenheart," Lucas said, rising again. He had tried to suppress the doubts he had about this task, but he had no intention of resisting the order.

"Muhahaha, the false god sends us his henchmen!"

The exclamation had still been deafening loud despite Luca's height. He could see Slaughterpriest and his people spotting Valten.

"Do you think so?" Valten said quietly. "You have suppressed these lands long enough. We will stop you from continuing to shed the blood more innocently. "

"Muhahaha, Khorne does not care whose blood flows as long as it flows," said the Slaughterpriest, letting his morning star crash into the nearest wall. "For Khorne, finish them". The Chaos pack tried to reduce the distance as fast as the terrain allowed.

Valten faced the approaching group and summoned the hammers of his cloak and hurled them at Slaughterpriest. This bent through the impact. His helmet was cracked, revealing a scarred face.

"Not bad," the slaughterpriest said as he wiped a trail of blood from his mouth that seemed to come from internal injury. "But now speak your last desperate prayer."

Lucas could hear Slaughterpriest dark talking in a non mortal language.

Valten Blazenheart writhed, steam seemed to rise from armor.

"Lord Blazenheart, what is with you?" Duncan asked, approaching Valten.

"Stay back," Valten said in pain before the body of the Lord Celestant burst in a fountain of boiling blood and his soul rose as blue light past Lucas towards Azyr.

Lucas was shocked by the scene that had just happened. He was about to reach for his bow, but remembered his orders. The rest of the members were in shock too. "You'll pay for that!" Duncan shouted and ran with towards the Slaughterpriest, while Jaina tried to held off the accompanying Blood Warrior, by blocking the swing of his Goreglaive with her Shield.

"Good! Your Rage is pleasing my master!" the Slaughterpriest said grinning while swinging his Wrathhammer.

Meanwhile, Vladimir was in firing range and tried to support Jaina, but his bolts found no weakpoint in the Blood Warriors Armour.

Duncans Hammer clashed with the Blade of the Slaughterpriest when both arrived in close combat. After dodging a mighty swing of the Wrathhammer, Duncan found a weakspot do to the Slaughterpriests Injuries and kicked Slaughterpriest off his feet with a mighty swing.

"Wha ...?", the Slaughterpriest shouted surprised, when Duncans smashed his skull.

"This was for our Lord Celestant", he said before focussed the Blood Warrior fighting with Jaina.

Incited by the bloodshed, the Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers were not stopped by the loss of their priest and involved the remaining Stormcasts in close combat.

The Bloodreavers started to surround them. Jaina switched her focus to them after Duncan parried the Goreglaive with his Grandhammer. While she was able to kill some of the Bloodreavers, the Blood Warrior rammed Duncan, bringing him out of balance and than ripping his armour with the Goreglaive. Before Jaina could react she was slashed by the Blood Warriors backswing and sent back to Azyr.

Steve felt stunned when he saw the two blue lights rising to the sky, that he reacted to slow and fell after receiving several blows from the Meatripper Axes.

Vladimir was the last one to hold the Bloodreavers, trying to fall back to keep some distance, but this wouldn't last long.

Lucas hand was itching to intervene, so he could try to save Vladimir's life, but remembered his mission and that he wouldn't do much against this superiority. Lucas turned and flew as fast as his wings allowed back to the camp to deliver the bad news.
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