Armeeliste Liste gegen Chaos


13. Januar 2021
Hallo ihr Schmerzsüchtigen,

ich möchte am Dienstag ein Spiel gegen einen etwas erfahreneren Chaos Spieler bestreiten. Er hat mir die Liste vorab gegeben um mit Hilfe des Forum eine "möglichst starke Gegenliste" zu bauen. Ich habe für meinen Teil bisher 7 Spiele gemacht (3 Team Spiele, 4 Einzelspiele) mit je 1000 Punkte Armeen, dies wird also meine erste 2000 Punkte Armee. Taktisches Denken ist vorhanden, aber es fehlt einiges an Spielerfahrung.

Nun wollte ich fragen ob jemand von euch a.) eine passende Gegenliste hat und b.) auf was ich bei diesem Gegner im speziellen achten sollte.

Über Hilfe würde ich mich sehr freuen. (Modelle habe ich einige und was fehlt wird mit Platzhaltern ersetzt)

New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) [103 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts]​

  • Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [89 PL, 11CP, 1,735pts]​

    Rules: Daemonic Ritual, Despoilers of the Galaxy (Word Bearers)
    • Configuration [12CP]​

      • Battle Size [12CP]​

        Selections: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
        Categories: Configuration
      • Detachment Command Cost​

        Categories: Configuration
      • Legion​

        Selections: Word Bearers
        Categories: Configuration
        Abilities: Profane Zeal
        Profane ZealIf your army is Battle-forged, all CHARACTER, INFANTRY, BIKERS and HELBRUTE units in a WORD BEARERS Detachment gain the following ability: You can re-roll failed morale tests for units with this trait.Codex: Heretic Astartes - Chaos Space Marines p157
    • Stratagems [-1CP]​

      • Gifts of Chaos (1 Relic) [-1CP]​

        Categories: Stratagems
    • HQ [28 PL, 545pts]​

      • Daemon Prince with Wings [10 PL, 205pts]​

        Selections: Diabolic Strength, Malefic talon, Malefic talon [15pts], Warp bolter [5pts], Wings [2 PL, 35pts]
        Categories: HQ, Faction: Chaos, Character, Daemon, Monster, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Legion>, Fly
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Daemonic, Death to the False Emperor, Psychic Power: Diabolic Strength, Unit: Daemon Prince (Wings), Weapon: Malefic talon, Warp bolter
        • Tzeentch​

          Selections: Smite
          Categories: Faction: Tzeentch, Psyker
          Abilities: Prince of Chaos, Psychic Power: Smite, Psyker: Daemon Prince
          DaemonicThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
          Prince of ChaosYou can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly <LEGION> and TZEENTCH DAEMON units within 6".
        Psychic PowerWarp ChargeRangeDetailsRef
        Diabolic Strength612"If manifested, select a HERETIC ASTARTES model within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 2 to the model's Strength characteristic and 1 to its Attacks characteristic.
        Smite518"Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
        PsykerCastDenyPowers KnownOtherRef
        Daemon Prince11Smite and one power from the Dark Hereticus discipline-
        Daemon Prince (Wings)12"2+2+7684103+
        Malefic talonMeleeMeleeUser-22Each time this model fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. A model armed with two sets of malefic talons can make 3 additional attacks with them instead.
        Warp bolter24"Assault 24-12-
      • Lord Discordant on Helstalker [10 PL, 200pts]​

        Selections: 2. Exalted Possession, Baleflamer [5pts], Bolt pistol, Crown of the Blasphemer, Frag & Krak grenades, Impaler chainglaive, Mark of Tzeentch, Mechatendrils, Warlord
        Categories: Helstalker, Lord Discordant, HQ, Faction: Chaos, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Legion>, Character, Vehicle, Daemon, Daemon Engine, Warpsmith, Faction: Tzeentch, Warlord
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Aura of Discord, Crown of the Blasphemer, Daemonic, Death to the False Emperor, Exalted Possession, Infernal Regeneration, Spirit Thief, Unit: Lord Discordant on Helstalker, Weapon: Baleflamer, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Impaler chainglaive, Krak grenades, Mechatendrils, Wound Track: Lord Discordant, Lord Discordant1, Lord Discordant2, Lord Discordant3
        • Helstalker​

          Selections: Bladed limbs and tail, Techno-virus injector
          Weapon: Bladed limbs and tail, Techno-virus injector
          Aura of DiscordSubtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by VEHICLE units while they are within 6" of any enemy models with this ability. In addition, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by <LEGION> DAEMON ENGINE units while they are within 6" of any friendly <LEGION> models with this ability.
          Crown of the BlasphemerImprove the invulnerable save of a model with this Relic by 1, to a maximum of 3+. Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of models in enemy units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.
          DaemonicThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
          Exalted PossessionThis Warlord gains the POSSESSED and DAEMON keywords (if they don’t already have them). Add 1 to the Strength and Attacks characteristics of this Warlord, and add 1" to this Warlord’s Move characteristic.
          Infernal RegenerationAt the start of your turn, this model regains 1 lost wound.
          Spirit ThiefEach time this model destroys an enemy VEHICLE unit in the Fight phase, this model can either repair a friendly Daemon Engine or release a beam of energy. If you choose to repair a friendly Daemon Engine, pick a friendly <LEGION> DAEMON ENGINE (other than models that can FLY) within 3" of this model. That DAEMON ENGINE regains D3 lost wounds. If you choose to release a beam of energy, pick an enemy VEHICLE within 12" of this model and roll a D6. On a 2+ that VEHICLE suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        Lord Discordant on Helstalker*2+2+4612492+
        Baleflamer18"Assault D66-22This weapon automatically hits.
        Bladed limbs and tailMeleeMelee+3-2D3After the Lord Discordant makes his close combat attacks, you can attack with his Helstalker. Make a number of additional attacks as shown in the damage table above, using this weapon profile.
        Bolt pistol12"Pistol 1401-
        Frag grenades6"Grenade D6301Blast.
        Impaler chainglaiveMeleeMelee+2-22If the bearer made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, attacks with this weapon are made with a Strength characteristic of x2 instead of +2.
        Krak grenades6"Grenade 16-1D3-
        MechatendrilsMeleeMeleeUser01Each time the bearer fights, it can make 2 additional attacks with this weapon.
        Techno-virus injectorMeleeMelee+4-4D3After the Lord Discordant makes his close combat attacks, you can attack with his Helstalker. Make a single attack using this weapon profile in addition to the Helstalker’s bladed limbs and tail. Each time a wound roll for an attack made with this weapon is successful when targeting a VEHICLE unit, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage.
        Wound TrackRemaining WCharacteristic 1Characteristic 2Characteristic 3Ref
        Lord Discordant-MAdditional attacks-
        Lord Discordant17-12+12"5-
        Lord Discordant24-69"4-
        Lord Discordant31-36"3-
      • Sorcerer on Bike [LEGENDS] [8 PL, 140pts]​

        Selections: Combi-bolter, Combi-melta [10pts], Death Hex, Force stave, Frag & Krak grenades, Mark of Tzeentch, Smite, The Malefic Tome, Warptime, Weaver of Fates
        Categories: HQ, Biker, Faction: Chaos, Character, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Psyker, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Sorcerer, Faction: Tzeentch
        Rules: Combi Weapon, Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Death to the False Emperor, The Malefic Tome, Turbo-boost, Psychic Power: Death Hex, Smite, Warptime, Weaver of Fates, Psyker: Sorcerer on Bike, Unit: Sorcerer on Bike, Weapon: Boltgun, Combi-bolter, Force stave, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun
        Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
        The Malefic TomePSYKER model only. A model with this Relic knows one additional psychic power from their chosen discipline. When a Psychic test is taken for a model with this Relic, add 1 to the total.
        Turbo-boostWhen this model Advances, add 6" to its Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of rolling a dice.
        Psychic PowerWarp ChargeRangeDetailsRef
        Death Hex812"If manifested, select a visible enemy unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit cannot take invulnerable saves.
        Smite518"Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
        Warptime63"If manifested, pick a HERETIC ASTARTES unit (excluding AIRCRAFT) within 3" of the psyker. That unit can immediately move as if it were its Movement phase. You cannot use Warptime on a unit more than once in each Psychic phase.
        Weaver of Fates618"If manifested, select a visible TZEENTCH HERETIC ASTARTES unit within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, the invulnerable save of that unit is improved by 1 (to a maximum of 3+). Models that do not have an invulnerable save instead gain a 5+ invulnerable save.
        PsykerCastDenyPowers KnownOtherRef
        Sorcerer on Bike21Smite and 2 powers from the Dark Hereticus discipline-
        Sorcerer on Bike14"3+3+455393+
        Boltgun24"Rapid Fire 1401-
        Combi-bolter24"Rapid Fire 2401-
        Force staveMeleeMelee+3-1D3-
        Frag grenades6"Grenade D6301Blast.
        Krak grenades6"Grenade 16-1D3-
        Meltagun12"Assault 18-4D6Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2.
    • Troops [12 PL, 265pts]​

      • Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 89pts]​

        Selections: Mark of Slaanesh
        Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Slaanesh
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Death to the False Emperor, Unit: Chaos Space Marine
        • Aspiring Champion [18pts]​

          Selections: Chainaxe [1pts], Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades
          Unit: Aspiring Champion, Weapon: Chainaxe, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • 3x Marine w/ boltgun [42pts]​

          Selections: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
          Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • Marine w/ heavy or special weapon [29pts]​

          Selections: Bolt pistol, Lascannon [15pts]
          Weapon: Bolt pistol, Lascannon
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
        Aspiring Champion6"3+3+441283+
        Chaos Space Marine6"3+3+441173+
        Bolt pistol12"Pistol 1401-
        Boltgun24"Rapid Fire 1401-
        Combi-bolter24"Rapid Fire 2401-
        Frag grenades6"Grenade D6301Blast.
        Krak grenades6"Grenade 16-1D3-
        Lascannon48"Heavy 19-3D6-
      • Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 88pts]​

        Selections: Mark of Slaanesh
        Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Slaanesh
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Death to the False Emperor, Unit: Chaos Space Marine
        • Aspiring Champion [17pts]​

          Selections: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades
          Unit: Aspiring Champion, Weapon: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • 3x Marine w/ boltgun [42pts]​

          Selections: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
          Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • Marine w/ heavy or special weapon [29pts]​

          Selections: Bolt pistol, Lascannon [15pts]
          Weapon: Bolt pistol, Lascannon
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
        Aspiring Champion6"3+3+441283+
        Chaos Space Marine6"3+3+441173+
        Astartes chainswordMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Bolt pistol12"Pistol 1401-
        Boltgun24"Rapid Fire 1401-
        Combi-bolter24"Rapid Fire 2401-
        Frag grenades6"Grenade D6301Blast.
        Krak grenades6"Grenade 16-1D3-
        Lascannon48"Heavy 19-3D6-
      • Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 88pts]​

        Selections: Mark of Slaanesh
        Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Slaanesh
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Death to the False Emperor, Unit: Chaos Space Marine
        • Aspiring Champion [17pts]​

          Selections: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades
          Unit: Aspiring Champion, Weapon: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • 3x Marine w/ boltgun [42pts]​

          Selections: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
          Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • Marine w/ heavy or special weapon [29pts]​

          Selections: Bolt pistol, Lascannon [15pts]
          Weapon: Bolt pistol, Lascannon
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
        Aspiring Champion6"3+3+441283+
        Chaos Space Marine6"3+3+441173+
        Astartes chainswordMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Bolt pistol12"Pistol 1401-
        Boltgun24"Rapid Fire 1401-
        Combi-bolter24"Rapid Fire 2401-
        Frag grenades6"Grenade D6301Blast.
        Krak grenades6"Grenade 16-1D3-
        Lascannon48"Heavy 19-3D6-
    • Elites [9 PL, 165pts]​

      • Greater Possessed [4 PL, 65pts]​

        Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Legion>, Infantry, Daemon, Character, Greater Possessed, Elites
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        • Greater Possessed [4 PL, 65pts]​

          Selections: Daemonic mutations, Mark of Tzeentch
          Categories: Faction: Tzeentch
          Abilities: Champions of the Host, Daemonic, Death to the False Emperor, Locus of Power, Unit: Greater Possessed, Weapon: Daemonic mutations
          Champions of the HostThe first time this unit is set up, all models in this unit must be set up at the same time, though they do not need to be set up in unit coherency. From that point onwards, each Greater Possessed is treated as a separate unit.
          DaemonicThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
          Locus of PowerAdd 1 to the Strength characteristic of <MARK OF CHAOS> <LEGION> DAEMON units whilst they are within 6" of any friendly units with this ability.
        Greater Possessed7"2+3+555583+
        Daemonic mutationsMeleeMeleeUser-2D3-
      • Possessed [5 PL, 100pts]​

        Selections: Mark of Tzeentch
        Categories: Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Chaos, Daemon, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Elites, Faction: Tzeentch
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Daemonic, Death to the False Emperor
        • 5x Possessed [100pts]​

          Selections: 5x Horrifying Mutations
          Abilities: Writhing Tentacles, Unit: Possessed, Weapon: Horrifying Mutations
          DaemonicThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
          Writhing TentaclesRoll a D3 when a unit of Possessed is selected to attack in the Fight phase. The result is the Attacks characteristic of each model in the unit.
        Horrifying MutationsMeleeMeleeUser-21
    • Fast Attack [9 PL, 170pts]​

      • Bikers [9 PL, 170pts]​

        Selections: Mark of Slaanesh
        Categories: Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Biker, Fast Attack, Faction: Chaos, Faction: Slaanesh
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Death to the False Emperor, Turbo-boost
        • Biker [38pts]​

          Selections: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Meltagun [10pts]
          Unit: Biker, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun
        • Biker [38pts]​

          Selections: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades, Meltagun [10pts]
          Unit: Biker, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun
        • Biker [28pts]​

          Selections: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades
          Unit: Biker, Weapon: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • Biker [28pts]​

          Selections: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter [3pts], Frag & Krak grenades
          Unit: Biker, Weapon: Astartes chainsword, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades
        • Biker Champion [38pts]​

          Selections: Combi-bolter [3pts], Combi-melta [10pts], Frag & Krak grenades
          Rules: Combi Weapon
          Unit: Biker Champion, Weapon: Boltgun, Combi-bolter, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Meltagun
          Death to the False EmperorEach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
          Turbo-boostWhen this model Advances, add 6" to its Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of rolling a dice.
        Biker Champion14"3+3+452283+
        Astartes chainswordMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Bolt pistol12"Pistol 1401-
        Boltgun24"Rapid Fire 1401-
        Combi-bolter24"Rapid Fire 2401-
        Frag grenades6"Grenade D6301Blast.
        Krak grenades6"Grenade 16-1D3-
        Meltagun12"Assault 18-4D6Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2.
    • Heavy Support [15 PL, 290pts]​

      • Chaos Land Raider [15 PL, 290pts]​

        Selections: Havoc launcher [5pts], Mark of Tzeentch, Smoke Launchers, Twin heavy bolter, 2x Twin lascannon
        Categories: Heavy Support, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Transport, Vehicle, Faction: Chaos, Faction: Tzeentch
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Explodes, Smoke Launchers, Transport: Chaos Land Raider, Unit: Chaos Land Raider, Weapon: Havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter, Twin lascannon, Wound Track: Chaos Land Raider, Chaos Land Raider1, Chaos Land Raider2, Chaos Land Raider3
        ExplodesIf this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        Smoke LaunchersOnce per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use its Smoke Launchers; until your next Shooting phase your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for ranged weapons that target this vehicle.
        Chaos Land RaiderThis model can transport 10 <LEGION> INFANTRY models (each TERMINATOR and JUMP PACK model takes up the space of two other models, and each CULT OF DESTRUCTION model takes up the space of three other models).
        Chaos Land Raider*6+*8816*92+Codex: Heretic Astartes - Chaos Space Marines
        Havoc launcher48"Heavy D6501Blast.
        Twin heavy bolter36"Heavy 65-12-
        Twin lascannon48"Heavy 29-3D6-
        Wound TrackRemaining WCharacteristic 1Characteristic 2Characteristic 3Ref
        Chaos Land Raider-MBSA
        Chaos Land Raider19-16+10"3+6
        Chaos Land Raider25-85"4+D6
        Chaos Land Raider31-43"5+1
    • Flyer [16 PL, 300pts]​

      • Heldrake [8 PL, 150pts]​

        Selections: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Mark of Tzeentch
        Categories: Flyer, Daemon, Daemon Engine, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Vehicle, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Chaos, Fly, Faction: Tzeentch
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Crash and Burn, Daemonic, Infernal Regeneration, Unit: Heldrake, Weapon: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Wound Track: Heldrake, Heldrake1, Heldrake2, Heldrake3
        Crash and Burnif this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it crashes in a fiery explosion and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        DaemonicThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
        Infernal RegenerationAt the beginning of each of your turns, this model heals one wound.
        Baleflamer18"Assault D66-22This weapon automatically hits.
        Heldrake clawsMeleeMeleeUser-1D3When attacking models that can FLY, you may add 1 to this weapon's hit roll.
        Wound TrackRemaining WCharacteristic 1Characteristic 2Characteristic 3Ref
      • Heldrake [8 PL, 150pts]​

        Selections: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Mark of Tzeentch
        Categories: Flyer, Daemon, Daemon Engine, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Vehicle, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Chaos, Fly, Faction: Tzeentch
        Rules: Hateful Assault, Malicious Volleys
        Abilities: Crash and Burn, Daemonic, Infernal Regeneration, Unit: Heldrake, Weapon: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Wound Track: Heldrake, Heldrake1, Heldrake2, Heldrake3
        Crash and Burnif this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it crashes in a fiery explosion and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        DaemonicThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
        Infernal RegenerationAt the beginning of each of your turns, this model heals one wound.
        Baleflamer18"Assault D66-22This weapon automatically hits.
        Heldrake clawsMeleeMeleeUser-1D3When attacking models that can FLY, you may add 1 to this weapon's hit roll.
        Wound TrackRemaining WCharacteristic 1Characteristic 2Characteristic 3Ref
  • Patrol Detachment -2CP (Chaos - Daemons) [14 PL, -2CP, 265pts]​

    • Configuration [-2CP]​

      • Chaos Allegiance​

        Selections: Tzeentch
        Categories: Configuration
        Abilities: Locus of Trickery
        Locus of TrickeryCHARACTERS in a TZEENTCH Chaos Daemons detachment have the following ability: Roll 2 dice at the start of each Fight phase and discard the highest result. Until the end of that phase, each time your opponent targets a TZEENTCH DAEMON unit within 6" of a friendly model with the Locus of Trickery and makes a hit roll that, after re-rolls but before modifiers, matches your remaining dice result, that hit roll fails.
      • Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]​

        Categories: Configuration
    • HQ [6 PL, 105pts]​

      • Fluxmaster [6 PL, 105pts]​

        Selections: Flickering Flames, Gaze of Fate, Ritual dagger, Smite
        Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Daemon, Cavalry, Horror, Psyker, Faction: Tzeentch, Fly, Faction: Chaos, Herald of Tzeentch
        Rules: Daemonic Ritual
        Abilities: Daemonic, Ephemeral Form, Locus of Tzeentch, Psychic Power: Flickering Flames, Gaze of Fate, Smite, Psyker: Fluxmaster, Unit: Fluxmaster, Weapon: Ritual dagger
        • Disc of Tzeentch​

          Selections: Blades (Disc)
          Weapon: Blades
          DaemonicUnits with this ability have a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Ephemeral FormAdd 1 to any invulnerable saving throws made for this unit.
          Locus of TzeentchAdd 1 to the Strength characteristic of TZEENTCH DAEMON units within 6" of one or more friendly models with this ability.
        Psychic PowerWarp ChargeRangeDetailsRef
        Flickering Flames518"If manifested, pick a friendly TZEENTCH DAEMON unit within 18" of the psyker. Until your next Psychic phase, add 1 to any wound rolls made for that unit's shooting weapons.
        Gaze of Fate6N/AIf manifested, you can re-roll a single dice roll later in your turn.
        Smite518"Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
        PsykerCastDenyPowers KnownOtherRef
        Fluxmaster11Smite and 2 powers from the Tzeentch discipline-
        BladesMeleeMelee401After a model riding a Disc of Tzeentch makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 1 additional attack, using this weapon profile.
        Ritual daggerMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time this weapon slays an enemy model, the bearer recovers 1 lost wound.
    • Troops [8 PL, 160pts]​

      • Horrors [8 PL, 160pts]​

        Selections: Smite
        Categories: Faction: Daemon, Horror, Infantry, Psyker, Faction: Tzeentch, Troops, Faction: Chaos
        Rules: Daemonic Ritual
        Abilities: Ephemeral Daemons, Iridescent Horror, Magic Made Manifest, Magical Horde, Psyker Unit, Split, Psychic Power: Smite, Psyker: Horrors
        • 20x Pink Horror [160pts]​

          Selections: 20x Coruscating flames
          Unit: Pink Horror, Weapon: Coruscating flames
          Ephemeral DaemonsPink Horrors have an invulnerable save of 4+. Blue Horrors have an invulnerable save of 5+. Pairs of Brimstone Horrors have an invulnerable save of 6+.
          Iridescent HorrorAn Iridescent Horror counts as a Pink Horror for the purposes of this unit’s other abilities.
          Magic Made ManifestWhen a Psychic test or Deny the Witch test is taken for this unit, roll one D6 instead of 2D6. In addition, when this unit manifests Smite whilst it contains fewer than 10 Pink Horrors, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" can only suffer 1 mortal wound, irrespective of the result of the Psychic test.
          Magical HordeWhilst this unit contains 20 or more Pink Horrors, the Type characteristic of Coruscating Flames that models in this unit are equipped with is Assault 3.
          Psyker UnitBefore manifesting or denying a psychic power with this unit, select one model in this unit to be the source. When manifesting or denying that psychic power, measure distances and, if required, line of sight from that model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6" will only suffer mortal wounds if the Perils of the Warp causes the last model in this unit to be slain.
          SplitWhen a Pink Horror in this unit is destroyed in any phase other than the Morale phase, you can add up to 2 Blue Horrors to this unit before removing that Pink Horror from play. When a Blue Horror in this unit is destroyed in any phase other than the Morale phase, you can add 1 Pair of Brimstone Horrors to this unit before removing that Blue Horror from play. When adding a model to this unit using this ability, it must be placed in unit coherency and more than 1" away from any enemy models (if a model cannot be placed in this way, it is not added to the unit).

          Matched Play: Models added to this unit using the Split ability must be paid for with reinforcement points, but can take the unit above its starting size.
        Psychic PowerWarp ChargeRangeDetailsRef
        Smite518"Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
        PsykerCastDenyPowers KnownOtherRef
        Pink Horror6"4+4+331176+
        Coruscating flames18"Assault 2User01-

Force Rules​

Daemonic Ritual: Instead of moving in their Movement phase, any CHAOS CHARACTER can, at the end of their Movement phase, attempt to summon a DAEMON unit with this ability by performing a Daemonic Ritual (the character cannot do so if they arrived as reinforcements this turn, or if they themselves have been summoned to the battlefield this turn).

If they do, first choose one of the four Chaos Gods - KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, or SLAANESH. A CHARACTER who owes allegiance to one of the Dark Gods can only attempt to summon the units of their patron - for example, a KHORNE CHARACTER could only attempt to summon KHORNE DAEMONS.

Roll up to 3 dice - this is your summoning roll. You can summon one new unit with the Daemonic Ritual ability to the battlefield that has a Power Rating equal to or less than the total result so long as it has the same Chaos God keyword you chose at the start. This unit is treated as reinforcements for your army and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is wholly within 12" of the character and is more than 9" from any enemy model. If the total rolled is insufficient to summon any unit, the ritual fails and no new unit is summoned.

If your summoning roll included any doubles, your character then suffers a mortal wound. If it contained any triples, it instead suffers D3 mortal wounds. ()
Despoilers of the Galaxy (Word Bearers): If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Chaos Space Marine Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range as normal. ()

Selection Rules​

Combi Weapon: When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. ()
Daemonic Ritual: Instead of moving in their Movement phase, any CHAOS CHARACTER can, at the end of their Movement phase, attempt to summon a DAEMON unit with this ability by performing a Daemonic Ritual (the character cannot do so if they arrived as reinforcements this turn, or if they themselves have been summoned to the battlefield this turn).

If they do so, first choose one of the four Chaos Gods - KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, or SLAANESH. A CHARACTER who owes allegiance to one of the Dark Gods can attempt to summon the units of their patron - for example, a KHORNE CHARACTER could only attempt to summon KHORNE DAEMONS.

Roll up to 3 dice - this is your summoning roll. You can summon one new unit with the Daemonic Ritual ability to the battlefield that has a Power Rating equal to or less than the total result so long as it has the same Chaos God keyword you chose at the start (in the case of units that have the choice of allegiance, such as Furies, the unit when summoned will have this keyword.) This unit is treated as reinforcements for your army and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is entirely within 12" of the character and more than 9" from any enemy model. If the total rolled is insufficient to summon any unit, the ritual fails and no new unit is summoned.

If your summoning roll included any doubles, your character then suffers a mortal wound. If it contained any triples, it instead suffers D3 mortal wounds. ()
Hateful Assault: If this unit makes a charge move, is charged or performs a Heroic Intervention, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit until the end of the turn. ()
Malicious Volleys: Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit firing Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply:
• The firing model’s target is within half the weapon’s maximum range.
• The firing model is INFANTRY and every model in its unit remained stationary in your previous Movement phase.
• The firing model is a TERMINATOR, BIKER or HELBRUTE.
For the purposes of this ability, a Rapid Fire bolt weapon is any bolt weapon with the Rapid Fire type. A bolt weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘bolt’ (e.g. boltgun, bolt pistol, combibolter, Inferno boltgun). Rules that apply to bolt weapons also apply when firing the boltgun profile of combi-weapons and when firing Artefacts of Chaos that replaced a bolt weapon, (e.g. Spitespitter). The Talon of Horus is also a Rapid Fire bolt weapon. ()

Created with BattleScribe
Ich habe die Chaosliste nur grob überflogen und kann sie nur bedingt einschätzen, weil ich länger nicht mehr meine CSM gespielt habe. Prinzipiell würde ich aber die CSM als nicht so stark einschätzen.
  • 290 Punkte für den LR, der ein schlechtes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis hat. Er ließe sich recht gut abbinden durch deine Transporter.
  • Die Besessenen können gut gebufft sehr stark sein. Da er aber nur 5 spielt, sollten die DE-Nahkampfeinheiten eigentlich kein Problem damit haben.
  • Der Heldrake ist ein Element, das durch seine Geschwindigkeit interessante taktische Möglichkeiten zulässt. Allerdings ist er nur bedingt schlagkräftig. Und ob zwei eine DE-Liste unter Druck setzen können, glaube ich nicht. Wenn sie ihre Geschwindigkeit ausspielen, sind sie meist allein und können dann in Ruhe weggewischt werden. Weil sie die Fliegerregel nicht haben, können sie auch von Boden-Nahkämpfern angegriffen werden.

Ich würde schätzen, dass du mit einer ausgewogenen DE-Liste, wie sie hier im Forum oder in Spielberichten auf youtube gespielt werden, ziemlich gute Chancen hast, weil die DE im Vergleich zum Chaos einen richtig guten Codex haben, der auf die aktuelle Entwicklung abgestimmt ist.
Da schließe ich mich RedGobbo an, die Chaosliste ist nicht die Stärkste, da er aber ein erfahrener Spieler ist, wird er sicher etwas ausgleichen. Er hat viel Psi im Spiel, das sollte man allerdings einfach hinnehmen. Worauf du aufpassen musst ist der Discordant der per Warptime nach vorn geschleudert wird und so turn 1 bei dir drin steht, zusammen mit den beiden Helldrakes wirklich garstig.
Eine ausgeglichene Liste ist hier tatsächlich die beste Option.
Sachen die sich hier besonders lohnen wären zb lanzen Ravager, Trueborn mit 2blaster und lanze im raider, Succubus mit precision blow und relictpeitsche, sowie Drazhar (Succ und Drahzar sind krasse countercharger falls er turn 1 mit den 3 dicken reinkommt)

New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) [106 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts]​

  • Patrol Detachment -2CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [21 PL, 10CP, 335pts]​

    Rules: Poisoned Weapon
    • Configuration [12CP]​

      • Battle Size [12CP]​

        Selections: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
        Categories: Configuration
      • Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]​

        Categories: Configuration
      • Obsession​

        Selections: Cult of Strife: The Spectacle of Murder (Restricted)
        Categories: Configuration, Faction: Drukhari, Faction: <Wych Cult>
        Abilities: Cult of Strife: The Spectacle of Murder
        Cult of Strife: The Spectacle of MurderAt the start of the Fight phase, if a unit with this Obsession is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can fight first that phase.
        Each time you declare a charge for a unit with this Obsession, if there are no other units from your army within Engagement Range of any of the enemy units selected as targets of that charge, add 1 to the charge roll.
      • Raiding Forces - CP Refund [2CP]​

        Categories: Configuration
        Rules: Raiding Forces - CP Refund
    • Stratagems [-1CP]​

      • Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]​

        Selections: Additional Relics [-1CP]
        Categories: Stratagems
    • HQ [4 PL, -1CP, 75pts]​

      • Succubus [4 PL, -1CP, 75pts]​

        Selections: 3 - Hypex (Combat Drug), Inspiring Leader, Precision Blows, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition [-1CP], The Triptych Whip
        Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Succubus, Faction: <Wych Cult>
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Brides of Death (Aura), Inspiring Leader (Aura), Lightning Dodge, No Escape, Precision Blows, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, Combat Drugs: Hypex, Unit: Succubus, Weapon: The Triptych Whip
        • Agoniser & Archite Glaive​

          Selections: Agoniser, Archite Glaive
          Weapon: Agoniser, Archite Glaive
        • Show Stealer (Strife) [1 PL, 15pts]​

          Selections: Show Stealer [1 PL, 15pts]
          Categories: Master Succubus
          Abilities: Show Stealer
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Brides of Death (Aura)While a friendly <WYCH CULT> CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, re-roll a wound roll of 1.
          Inspiring Leader (Aura)Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of friendly units whilst they are within 6" of this WARLORD.Warhammer 40,000 Core Book
          Lightning DodgeThis model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
          No EscapeEach time an enemy unit (excluding TITANIC units) that is within Engagement Range of this unit is selected to Fall Back, roll off with your opponent, subtracting 1 from your opponent's roll for each model this unit contains equipped with a Shardnet and Impaler, if you win, that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.
          Precision BlowsEach time an unmodified hit roll of 6 is made for a melee attack made by this WARLORD, the target unit suffers number of mortal wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon used for that attack, and the attack sequence ends.
          Show StealerEach time this model makes a consolidation move, it can move an additional 3", and it does not have to finish this move closer to the closest enemy model.
          Stratagem: Tolerated AmbitionUse this stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if you WARLORD has the DRUKHARI keyword. Select one DRUKHARI CHARACTER model from your army (excluding named characters) and determine one Warlord Trait for it (this must be a Warlord Trait it can have); that model is only regarded as your WARLORD for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results), and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Warlord Traits. You can use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        HypexAdd 2" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit.
        AgoniserMeleeMeleeUser-31Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        Archite GlaiveMeleeMelee+2-31-
        The Triptych WhipMeleeMeleeUser-32Poisoned Weapon (2+). Each time the bearer is selected to fight, add 3 to their Attacks characteristic until the end of the phase.
    • Troops [8 PL, 140pts]​

      • Hekatrix Bloodbrides [8 PL, 140pts]​

        Selections: 1 - Adrenalight (Combat Drug)
        Categories: Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Hekatrix Bloodbrides, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Troops, Wyches, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Dodge, Hekatrix Bloodbrides, No Escape, Combat Drugs: Adrenalight
        • Hekatrix [17pts]​

          Selections: Plasma Grenades, Power sword [5pts], Splinter Pistol
          Unit: Bloodbride Hekatrix, Weapon: Plasma Grenades, Power sword, Splinter Pistol
        • 7x Hekatrix Bloodbride [84pts]​

          Selections: 7x Hekatarii Blade, 7x Plasma Grenades, 7x Splinter Pistol
          Unit: Hekatrix Bloodbride, Weapon: Hekatarii Blade, Plasma Grenades, Splinter Pistol
        • Hekatrix Bloodbride w/ Razorflails [17pts]​

          Selections: Plasma Grenades, Razorflails [5pts]
          Weapon: Plasma Grenades, Razorflails
        • Hekatrix Bloodbride w/ Shardnet and Impaler [22pts]​

          Selections: Plasma Grenades, Shardnet and Impaler [10pts]
          Weapon: Plasma Grenades, Shardnet and Impaler
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          DodgeModels in this unit have a 6+ invulnerable save. Models in this unit have a 4+ invulnerabe save against melee attacks.
          Hekatrix BloodbridesEach time an attack made by a model in this unit would trigger the Blade Artists ability (pg 89), the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is increased by 3 instead of 1.
          No EscapeEach time an enemy unit (excluding TITANIC units) that is within Engagement Range of this unit is selected to Fall Back, roll off with your opponent, subtracting 1 from your opponent's roll for each model this unit contains equipped with a Shardnet and Impaler, if you win, that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        AdrenalightEach time this unit fights, if it made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit.
        Bloodbride Hekatrix8"2+3+331496+
        Hekatrix Bloodbride8"2+3+331386+
        Hekatarii BladeMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Plasma Grenades6"Grenade D64-11Blast
        Power swordMeleeMelee+1-31-
        RazorflailsMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time an attack is made with this weapon, make 2 hit rolls instead of 1.
        Shardnet and ImpalerMeleeMeleeUser-22Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Splinter Pistol12"Pistol 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
    • Fast Attack [9 PL, 120pts]​

      • Reavers [6 PL, 90pts]​

        Selections: 10 Points - English Codex, 4 - Painbringer (Combat Drug)
        Categories: Fast Attack, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Biker, Fly, Reavers, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: 10 Points - English Codex, Matchless Swiftness, Combat Drugs: Painbringer
        • Arena Champion [10pts]​

          Selections: Bladevanes, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle
          Unit: Arena Champion, Weapon: Bladevanes, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle
        • 3x Reaver [30pts]​

          Selections: 3x Bladevanes, 3x Splinter Pistol, 3x Splinter Rifle
          Unit: Reaver, Weapon: Bladevanes, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle
        • Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models) [25pts]​

          Selections: Bladevanes, Blaster [15pts], Splinter Pistol
          Weapon: Bladevanes, Blaster, Splinter Pistol
        • Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models) [25pts]​

          Selections: Bladevanes, Blaster [15pts], Splinter Pistol
          Weapon: Bladevanes, Blaster, Splinter Pistol
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          10 Points - English CodexBased on the fact that the English Codex is the latest published English points cost, this is technically the correct cost.
          Matchless SwiftnessEach time this unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 8" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        PainbringerAdd 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in this unit.
        Arena Champion18"3+3+342484+
        Blaster18"Assault 18-4D6-
        Splinter Pistol12"Pistol 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        Splinter Rifle24"Rapid Fire 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
      • Reavers [3 PL, 30pts]​

        Selections: 10 Points - English Codex, 4 - Painbringer (Combat Drug)
        Categories: Fast Attack, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Biker, Fly, Reavers, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: 10 Points - English Codex, Matchless Swiftness, Combat Drugs: Painbringer
        • Arena Champion [10pts]​

          Selections: Bladevanes, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle
          Unit: Arena Champion, Weapon: Bladevanes, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle
        • 2x Reaver [20pts]​

          Selections: 2x Bladevanes, 2x Splinter Pistol, 2x Splinter Rifle
          Unit: Reaver, Weapon: Bladevanes, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          10 Points - English CodexBased on the fact that the English Codex is the latest published English points cost, this is technically the correct cost.
          Matchless SwiftnessEach time this unit Advances, do not make an Advance roll. Instead, until the end of the phase, add 8" to the Move characteristic of models in this unit.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        PainbringerAdd 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in this unit.
        Arena Champion18"3+3+342484+
        Splinter Pistol12"Pistol 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        Splinter Rifle24"Rapid Fire 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
  • Patrol Detachment -2CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [58 PL, -2CP, 1,120pts]​

    Rules: Poisoned Weapon
    • Configuration []​

      • Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]​

        Categories: Configuration
      • Obsession​

        Selections: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power
        Categories: Configuration, Faction: Drukhari, Faction: <Kabal>
        Abilities: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power
        Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for PowerUnits with this Obsession that have the Power From Pain ability (pg 89) treat the current battle round as being one higher than it actually is when determining what effects they gain.
        If a Realspace Raid Detachment includes a KABAL OF THE BLACK HEART ARCHON, then until the end of the battle, all BLADES FOR HIRE units in that Detachment that have the Power From Pain ability also treat the current battle round as being one higher than it actually is when determining what effects they gain.
        Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models with this Obsession
        Each time a unit with this Obsession is selected to shoot or fight, you can re-roll one hit roll when resolving that unit's attacks.
      • Raiding Forces - CP Refund [2CP]​

        Categories: Configuration
        Rules: Raiding Forces - CP Refund
    • Stratagems [-1CP]​

      • Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]​

        Selections: Additional Relics [-1CP]
        Categories: Stratagems
    • HQ [5 PL, -1CP, 85pts]​

      • Archon [5 PL, -1CP, 85pts]​

        Selections: Ancient Evil, Huskblade [5pts], Overlord, Splinter Pistol, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition [-1CP], The Djin Blade
        Categories: Archon, Character, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, HQ, Infantry, Faction: <Kabal>
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Ancient Evil, Overlord (Aura), Shadowfield, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, Unit: Archon, Weapon:Huskblade, Splinter Pistol, The Djin Blade
        • Splintered Genius (Black Heart) [1 PL, 15pts]​

          Selections: Splintered Genius [1 PL, 15pts]
          Categories: Master Archon
          Abilities: Splintered Genius
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Ancient EvilAt the start of the Fight phase, you can select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this WARLORD. That unit is not eligible to fight this phase until after all eligible units from your army have done so.
          Overlord (Aura)While a friendly <KABAL> CORE or INCUBI unit is within 6" of this model, each time an attack is made by a model in that unit, re-roll a hit roll of 1.
          ShadowfieldThis model has a 2+ invulnerable save. This invulnerable saving throw can never be re-rolled. The first time this invulnerable saving throw is failed, until the end of the battle, this ability has no effect.
          Splintered GeniusOnce per battle, at the end of the Fight phase, if this model is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can fight again.
          Stratagem: Tolerated AmbitionUse this stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if you WARLORD has the DRUKHARI keyword. Select one DRUKHARI CHARACTER model from your army (excluding named characters) and determine one Warlord Trait for it (this must be a Warlord Trait it can have); that model is only regarded as your WARLORD for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results), and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Warlord Traits. You can use this Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).
        Splinter Pistol12"Pistol 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        The Djin BladeMeleeMelee+1-33Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with this weapon. At the end of the Fight phase, roll one D6 if the bearer made any attacks with this weapon: on a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • Troops [3 PL, 40pts]​

      • Kabalite Warriors [3 PL, 40pts]​

        Categories: Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Kabalite Warriors, Troops, Faction: <Kabal>, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Objective Secured, Power From Pain
        • 4x Kabalite Warrior [32pts]​

          Selections: 4x Splinter Rifle
          Unit: Kabalite Warrior, Weapon: Splinter Rifle
        • Sybarite [8pts]​

          Selections: Splinter Rifle
          Unit: Sybarite, Weapon: Splinter Rifle
        • UnitMWSBSSTWALdSaveRef
          Kabalite Warrior7"3+3+331274+
        Splinter Rifle24"Rapid Fire 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
    • Elites [6 PL, 150pts]​

      • Mandrakes [3 PL, 75pts]​

        Categories: Elites, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Mandrakes, Blades For Hire
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Fade Away, From Out of the Shadows, Shadow Creatures, Shrouded From Sight
        • 4x Mandrake [60pts]​

          Selections: 4x Baleblast, 4x Glimmersteel Blade
          Unit: Mandrake, Weapon: Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade
        • Nightfiend [15pts]​

          Selections: Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade
          Unit: Nightfiend, Weapon: Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Fade AwayOnce per battle, at the start of your Movement phase, you can remove this unit from the battlefield and then, in the Reinforcement step of your next Movement phase, you can set this unit back up anywhere on the battlefield and more than 9" from any enemy models. If the battle ends and this unit is not on the battlefield, it is destroyed.
          From Out of the ShadowsDuring deployment, when you set up this unit, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.
          Shadow CreaturesModels in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Shrouded From SightEach time an attack targets this unit, subtract 1 from tha attack's hit roll.
        Baleblast18"Assault 24-11Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any additional damage.
        Glimmersteel BladeMeleeMeleeUser-11-
      • Mandrakes [3 PL, 75pts]​

        Categories: Elites, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Mandrakes, Blades For Hire
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Fade Away, From Out of the Shadows, Shadow Creatures, Shrouded From Sight
        • 4x Mandrake [60pts]​

          Selections: 4x Baleblast, 4x Glimmersteel Blade
          Unit: Mandrake, Weapon: Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade
        • Nightfiend [15pts]​

          Selections: Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade
          Unit: Nightfiend, Weapon: Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Fade AwayOnce per battle, at the start of your Movement phase, you can remove this unit from the battlefield and then, in the Reinforcement step of your next Movement phase, you can set this unit back up anywhere on the battlefield and more than 9" from any enemy models. If the battle ends and this unit is not on the battlefield, it is destroyed.
          From Out of the ShadowsDuring deployment, when you set up this unit, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.
          Shadow CreaturesModels in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
          Shrouded From SightEach time an attack targets this unit, subtract 1 from tha attack's hit roll.
        Baleblast18"Assault 24-11Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any additional damage.
        Glimmersteel BladeMeleeMeleeUser-11-
    • Heavy Support [16 PL, 280pts]​

      • Ravager [8 PL, 140pts]​

        Selections: Bladevanes, 3x Dark Lance
        Categories: Heavy Support, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Fly, Vehicle, Ravager, Faction: <Kabal>
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Explodes, Hovering, Night Shield, Unit: Ravager 1 (6+ wounds remaining), Ravager 2 (3-5 wounds remaining), Ravager 3 (1-2 wounds remaining), Weapon: Bladevanes, Dark Lance
        ExplodesWhen this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        HoveringDistances are always measured to and from this model's hull.
        Night ShieldThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.
        Ravager 1 (6+ wounds remaining)14"4+3+6611374+
        Ravager 2 (3-5 wounds remaining)10"4+4+66N/AD374+
        Ravager 3 (1-2 wounds remaining)6"4+5+66N/A174+
        Dark Lance36"Heavy 18-4D3+3-
      • Ravager [8 PL, 140pts]​

        Selections: Bladevanes, 3x Dark Lance
        Categories: Heavy Support, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Fly, Vehicle, Ravager, Faction: <Kabal>
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Explodes, Hovering, Night Shield, Unit: Ravager 1 (6+ wounds remaining), Ravager 2 (3-5 wounds remaining), Ravager 3 (1-2 wounds remaining), Weapon: Bladevanes, Dark Lance
        ExplodesWhen this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        HoveringDistances are always measured to and from this model's hull.
        Night ShieldThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.
        Ravager 1 (6+ wounds remaining)14"4+3+6611374+
        Ravager 2 (3-5 wounds remaining)10"4+4+66N/AD374+
        Ravager 3 (1-2 wounds remaining)6"4+5+66N/A174+
        Dark Lance36"Heavy 18-4D3+3-
    • Flyer [9 PL, 200pts]​

      • Voidraven Bomber [9 PL, 200pts]​

        Selections: Kabal, Void mine, Voidraven missiles [15pts]
        Categories: Flyer, Aircraft, Faction: Aeldari, Fly, Faction: Drukhari, Vehicle, Voidraven Bomber, Faction: <Kabal>
        Rules: Power From Pain
        Abilities: Airborne, Explodes, Hard to Hit, Night Shield, Supersonic, Void mine, Unit: Voidraven Bomber 1 (7+ wounds remaining), Voidraven Bomber 2 (4-6 wounds remaining), Voidraven Bomber 3 (1-3 wounds remaining), Weapon: Voidraven missiles, Voidraven missiles - Implosion missile, Voidraven missiles - Shatterfield missile
        • Two void lances​

          Selections: 2x Void lance
          Weapon: Void lance
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          AirborneYou cannot declare a charge with this model, and it can only be chosen as the target of a charge if the unit making the charge can FLY. You can only fight with this model if it is within Engagement range of any enemy models that can FLY, and this model can only make attacks against units that can FLY. Enenmy units can only make melee attacks against this model if they can FLY.
          ExplodesWhen this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
          Hard to HitEach time a ranged attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll.
          Night ShieldThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.
          SupersonicEach time this model makes a Normal Move, Advances or Falls Back, first pivot it on the spot up to 90 degrees (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), then move the model straight forwards. it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot.
          Void mineOnce per battle, in your Movement phase, after the bearer makes a Normal Move or Advances, you can select one point on the battlefield the bearer moved across. Roll one D6 for each unit within 6" of that point, subtracting 1 if that unit has the CHARACTER keyword (excluding VEHICLE or MONSTER units): on a 4+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
        Voidraven Bomber 1 (7+ wounds remaining)20-60"6+3+6612374+
        Voidraven Bomber 2 (4-6 wounds remaining)20-40"6+4+66N/AD374+
        Voidraven Bomber 3 (1-3 wounds remaining)20-25"6+5+66N/A174+
        Void lance36"Heavy 19-4D3+3-
        Voidraven missiles-----Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with
        Voidraven missiles - Implosion missile48"Assault D36-32Blast
        Voidraven missiles - Shatterfield missile48"Assault D67-21Blast.
    • Dedicated Transport [19 PL, 365pts]​

      • Raider [5 PL, 95pts]​

        Selections: Bladevanes, Chain-snares [5pts], Dark Lance, Kabal, Shock Prow [5pts]
        Categories: Dedicated Transport, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Vehicle, Transport, Fly, Raider, Faction: <Kabal>, Shock Prow
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Chain-snares, Explodes, Hovering, Night Shield, Open-topped, Shock Prow, Transport: Raider, Unit: Raider 1 (6+ wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Raider 2 (3-5 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Raider 3 (1-2 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Weapon: Bladevanes, Dark Lance
        Chain-snaresAdd 3 to the bearer's Attacks characteristic.
        ExplodesWhen this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        HoveringDistances are always measured to and from this model's hull.
        Night ShieldThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.
        Open-toppedIn your Shooting phase, models embarked on this model can be selected to shoot with; measure distances and draw line of sight from any point on this transport when doing so. If this transport made a Normal Move, Advanced or Fell Back this turn, embarked models are considered to have done the same. While this transport is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, embarked units cannot shoot, except with Pistols.
        Shock ProwThe bearer has the SHOCK PROW keyword.
        RaiderThis model has a transport capacity of 11 DRUKHARI INFANTRY models. Each GROTESQUES model takes the space of two models. This model cannot transport SCOURGES or SKYBOARD models.
        Raider 1 (6+ wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)14"4+3+6610674+
        Raider 2 (3-5 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)10"4+4+66N/AD3+374+
        Raider 3 (1-2 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)6"4+5+66N/A474+
        Dark Lance36"Heavy 18-4D3+3-
      • Raider [5 PL, 95pts]​

        Selections: Bladevanes, Chain-snares [5pts], Dark Lance, Kabal, Shock Prow [5pts]
        Categories: Dedicated Transport, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Vehicle, Transport, Fly, Raider, Faction: <Kabal>, Shock Prow
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Chain-snares, Explodes, Hovering, Night Shield, Open-topped, Shock Prow, Transport: Raider, Unit: Raider 1 (6+ wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Raider 2 (3-5 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Raider 3 (1-2 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Weapon: Bladevanes, Dark Lance
        Chain-snaresAdd 3 to the bearer's Attacks characteristic.
        ExplodesWhen this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        HoveringDistances are always measured to and from this model's hull.
        Night ShieldThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.
        Open-toppedIn your Shooting phase, models embarked on this model can be selected to shoot with; measure distances and draw line of sight from any point on this transport when doing so. If this transport made a Normal Move, Advanced or Fell Back this turn, embarked models are considered to have done the same. While this transport is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, embarked units cannot shoot, except with Pistols.
        Shock ProwThe bearer has the SHOCK PROW keyword.
        RaiderThis model has a transport capacity of 11 DRUKHARI INFANTRY models. Each GROTESQUES model takes the space of two models. This model cannot transport SCOURGES or SKYBOARD models.
        Raider 1 (6+ wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)14"4+3+6610674+
        Raider 2 (3-5 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)10"4+4+66N/AD3+374+
        Raider 3 (1-2 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)6"4+5+66N/A474+
        Dark Lance36"Heavy 18-4D3+3-
      • Raider [5 PL, 95pts]​

        Selections: Bladevanes, Chain-snares [5pts], Dark Lance, Kabal, Shock Prow [5pts]
        Categories: Dedicated Transport, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Vehicle, Transport, Fly, Raider, Faction: <Kabal>, Shock Prow
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Chain-snares, Explodes, Hovering, Night Shield, Open-topped, Shock Prow, Transport: Raider, Unit: Raider 1 (6+ wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Raider 2 (3-5 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Raider 3 (1-2 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares), Weapon: Bladevanes, Dark Lance
        Chain-snaresAdd 3 to the bearer's Attacks characteristic.
        ExplodesWhen this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
        HoveringDistances are always measured to and from this model's hull.
        Night ShieldThis model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.
        Open-toppedIn your Shooting phase, models embarked on this model can be selected to shoot with; measure distances and draw line of sight from any point on this transport when doing so. If this transport made a Normal Move, Advanced or Fell Back this turn, embarked models are considered to have done the same. While this transport is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, embarked units cannot shoot, except with Pistols.
        Shock ProwThe bearer has the SHOCK PROW keyword.
        RaiderThis model has a transport capacity of 11 DRUKHARI INFANTRY models. Each GROTESQUES model takes the space of two models. This model cannot transport SCOURGES or SKYBOARD models.
        Raider 1 (6+ wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)14"4+3+6610674+
        Raider 2 (3-5 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)10"4+4+66N/AD3+374+
        Raider 3 (1-2 wounds remaining) (Chain-snares)6"4+5+66N/A474+
        Dark Lance36"Heavy 18-4D3+3-
      • Venom [4 PL, 80pts]​

        Selections: Bladevanes, Grisly Trophies [5pts], Kabal, Splinter Cannon [10pts], Twin splinter rifle
        Categories: Dedicated Transport, Faction: Drukhari, Faction: Aeldari, Fly, Transport, Venom, Vehicle, Faction: <Kabal>
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Explodes, Flickerfield, Grisly Trophies (Aura), Hovering, Open-topped, Transport: Venom, Unit:Venom, Weapon: Bladevanes, Splinter Cannon, Twin Splinter Rifle
        ExplodesWhen this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers 1 mortal wound.
        FlickerfieldEach time a ranged attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll. This model has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks.
        Grisly Trophies (Aura)While an enemy unit is within 3" of this model, subtract 2 from the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit.
        HoveringDistances are always measured to and from this model's hull.
        Open-toppedIn your Shooting phase, models embarked on this model can be selected to shoot with; measure distances and draw line of sight from any point on this transport when doing so. If this transport made a Normal Move, Advanced or Fell Back this turn, embarked models are considered to have done the same. While this transport is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, embarked units cannot shoot, except with Pistols.
        VenomThis model has a transport capacity of 6 DRUKHARI INFANTRY models. This model cannot transport GROTESQUES, SCOURGES or SKYBOARD models.
        Splinter Cannon36"Heavy 33-12Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        Twin Splinter Rifle24"Rapid Fire 2201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
  • Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [27 PL, 545pts]​

    Rules: Poisoned Weapon
    • Configuration​

      • Detachment Command Cost​

        Categories: Configuration
      • Obsession​

        Selections: Cult of the Cursed Blade: Only The Strong Will Survive
        Categories: Configuration, Faction: Drukhari, Faction: <Wych Cult>
        Abilities: Cult of the Cursed Blade: Only The Strong Will Survive
        Cult of the Cursed Blade: Only The Strong Will SurviveAdd 1 to the Strength characteristic of models with this Obsession.
        Each time you make an unmodified saving throw of 6 for a model with this Obsession against a melee attack, after the attacking model's unit has finished making its attacks, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
    • HQ [4 PL, 75pts]​

      • Succubus [4 PL, 75pts]​

        Selections: 1 - Adrenalight (Combat Drug), Inspiring Leader, Traitor's Embrace, Treacherous Deceiver, Warlord
        Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Succubus, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Warlord
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Brides of Death (Aura), Inspiring Leader (Aura), Lightning Dodge, No Escape, Traitor's Embrace, Treacherous Deceiver, Combat Drugs: Adrenalight, Unit: Succubus
        • Agoniser & Archite Glaive​

          Selections: Agoniser, Archite Glaive
          Weapon: Agoniser, Archite Glaive
        • Show Stealer (Cursed Blade) [1 PL, 15pts]​

          Selections: Show Stealer [1 PL, 15pts]
          Categories: Master Succubus
          Abilities: Show Stealer
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Brides of Death (Aura)While a friendly <WYCH CULT> CORE unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, re-roll a wound roll of 1.
          Inspiring Leader (Aura)Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of friendly units whilst they are within 6" of this WARLORD.Warhammer 40,000 Core Book
          Lightning DodgeThis model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
          No EscapeEach time an enemy unit (excluding TITANIC units) that is within Engagement Range of this unit is selected to Fall Back, roll off with your opponent, subtracting 1 from your opponent's roll for each model this unit contains equipped with a Shardnet and Impaler, if you win, that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.
          Show StealerEach time this model makes a consolidation move, it can move an additional 3", and it does not have to finish this move closer to the closest enemy model.
          Traitor's EmbraceIf the bearer is destroyed by a melee attack, roll one D6: on a 2+, after the attacking model's unit has finished making its attacks, it suffers D3+3 wounds.
          Treacherous DeceiverEach time you make an unmodified saving throw of 4+ for this WARLORD against a melee attack, after the attacking model's unit has finished making its attacks, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. This WARLORD does not benefit from the second part of the Cursed Blades' Only the Strong Will Thrive Obsession.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        AdrenalightEach time this unit fights, if it made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit.
        AgoniserMeleeMeleeUser-31Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        Archite GlaiveMeleeMelee+2-31-
    • Troops [12 PL, 220pts]​

      • Wyches [6 PL, 115pts]​

        Selections: 4 - Painbringer (Combat Drug)
        Categories: Troops, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Wyches, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Objective Secured, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Dodge, No Escape, Combat Drugs: Painbringer
        • Hekatrix [10pts]​

          Selections: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
          Unit: Hekatrix, Weapon: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol
        • 7x Wych [70pts]​

          Selections: 7x Hekatarii Blade, 7x Plasma Grenades, 7x Splinter Pistol
          Unit: Wych, Weapon: Hekatarii Blade, Plasma Grenades, Splinter Pistol
        • Wych w/ Razorflails [15pts]​

          Selections: Plasma Grenades, Razorflails [5pts]
          Weapon: Plasma Grenades, Razorflails
        • Wych w/ Shardnet and Impaler [20pts]​

          Selections: Plasma Grenades, Shardnet and Impaler [10pts]
          Weapon: Plasma Grenades, Shardnet and Impaler
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          DodgeModels in this unit have a 6+ invulnerable save. Models in this unit have a 4+ invulnerabe save against melee attacks.
          No EscapeEach time an enemy unit (excluding TITANIC units) that is within Engagement Range of this unit is selected to Fall Back, roll off with your opponent, subtracting 1 from your opponent's roll for each model this unit contains equipped with a Shardnet and Impaler, if you win, that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        PainbringerAdd 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in this unit.
        Hekatarii BladeMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Plasma Grenades6"Grenade D64-11Blast
        RazorflailsMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time an attack is made with this weapon, make 2 hit rolls instead of 1.
        Shardnet and ImpalerMeleeMeleeUser-22Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Splinter Pistol12"Pistol 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
      • Wyches [6 PL, 105pts]​

        Selections: 4 - Painbringer (Combat Drug)
        Categories: Troops, Faction: Aeldari, Faction: Drukhari, Infantry, Wyches, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Objective Secured, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Dodge, No Escape, Combat Drugs: Painbringer
        • Hekatrix [15pts]​

          Selections: Agoniser [5pts], Splinter Pistol
          Unit: Hekatrix, Weapon: Agoniser, Splinter Pistol
        • 9x Wych [90pts]​

          Selections: 9x Hekatarii Blade, 9x Plasma Grenades, 9x Splinter Pistol
          Unit: Wych, Weapon: Hekatarii Blade, Plasma Grenades, Splinter Pistol
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          DodgeModels in this unit have a 6+ invulnerable save. Models in this unit have a 4+ invulnerabe save against melee attacks.
          No EscapeEach time an enemy unit (excluding TITANIC units) that is within Engagement Range of this unit is selected to Fall Back, roll off with your opponent, subtracting 1 from your opponent's roll for each model this unit contains equipped with a Shardnet and Impaler, if you win, that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        PainbringerAdd 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in this unit.
        AgoniserMeleeMeleeUser-31Poisoned Weapon (4+)
        Hekatarii BladeMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this weapon.
        Plasma Grenades6"Grenade D64-11Blast
        Splinter Pistol12"Pistol 1201Poisoned Weapon (4+)
    • Elites [4 PL, 80pts]​

      • Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]​

        Categories: Elites, Faction: Drukhari, Faction: Aeldari, Infantry, Incubi, Core, Blades For Hire
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Lethal Precision, Tormentors
        • 4x Incubi [64pts]​

          Selections: 4x Klaive
          Unit: Incubi, Weapon: Klaive
        • Klaivex [16pts]​

          Selections: Klaive
          Unit: Klaivex, Weapon: Klaive
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Lethal PrecisionWhile this unit contains a Klaivex, each time a melee attack is made by a model in this unit, an unmodified wound roll of 6 adds 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack.
          TormentorsAt the start of the Fight phase, select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this unit and roll 2D6: if the result is greater than the enemy unit's Leadership characteristic, until the end of the phase, that unit is not eligible to fight until after all eligible units from your army have done so.
    • Fast Attack [7 PL, 170pts]​

      • Hellions [7 PL, 170pts]​

        Selections: 4 - Painbringer (Combat Drug)
        Categories: Fast Attack, Faction: Drukhari, Faction: Aeldari, Infantry, Fly, Hellions, Faction: <Wych Cult>, Skyboard, Core
        Rules: Blade Artists, Power From Pain
        Abilities: Hit and Run, Combat Drugs: Painbringer
        • Helliarch [17pts]​

          Selections: Hellglaive, Splinter Pods
          Unit: Helliarch, Weapon: Hellglaive, Splinter Pods
        • 9x Hellion [153pts]​

          Selections: 9x Hellglaive, 9x Splinter Pods
          Unit: Hellion, Weapon: Hellglaive, Splinter Pods
        • AbilitiesDescriptionRef
          Hit and RunThis unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back.
        Combat DrugsEffectRef
        PainbringerAdd 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in this unit.
        Splinter Pods18"Assault 2201Poisoned Weapon (4+)

Force Rules​

Poisoned Weapon: Many Drukhari weapons have the Poisoned Weapon ability. Such a weapon will have an ability that reads 'Poisoned Weapon' and then a value, such as (4+) or (2+). Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unti (excluding VEHICLE or TITANIC units), an unmodified wound roll of this value is always successful. (Codex: Drukhari)

Selection Rules​

Blade Artists: Each time a model in this unit makes an attack with a melee weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. (Codex: Drukhari)
Objective Secured: A player controls an objective marker if they have any models with this ability within range of that objective marker, even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy model within range of an objective marker also has this ability (or a similar ability), then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of that objective marker as normal. (Warhammer 40,000 Core Book p237)
Power From Pain: Battle Round 1+ - Inured to Suffering: Models in this unit have a 6+ invulnerable save.
Battle Round 2+ - Eager to Flay: This unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which they Advanced.
Battle Round 3+ - Flensing Fury: Each time a model in this unit makes a melee attack, add 1 to that attack's hit roll. If this unit has the VEHICLE or MONSTER keyword, it does not suffer the penalty incurred to its hit rolls for firing Heavy weapons at enemy units that are within Engagement Range of it.
Battle Round 4+ - Mantle of Agony: Models in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Battle Round 5+ - Emboldened by Bloodshed: Each time a Morale test is taken for this unit, it is automatically passed. If this unit's characteristics can change as it suffers damage, this unit is considered to have double the number of wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what those characteristics are.
(Codex: Drukhari)
Raiding Forces - CP Refund: If every Detachment in your army is a DRUKHARI Patrol Detachment, change the Command Cost of those Detachments to 0CP. ()

Created with BattleScribe

Ich habe meine Liste jetzt zusammengestellt. Ich habe mir viele Listen hier im Forum angeschaut und mich für die obige entschieden, da ich dort einen Großteil der Truppen schonmal gespielt habe und mich vor allem die MW bei der succu reizt :D

meine Frage wäre noch, welche secondarys würden sich, in Anbetracht meiner und der Liste meines Gegners anbieten?
Stell doch bitte nur die Zusammenfassungen ein. Wer soll das denn mit den ganzen Regeln lesen?

Drogen würde ich nicht so spielen Whip Succubus möchte möglichst Attacken. Blood Bribes profitieren von Stärke eher. Reaver für 10 Punkte ist ein Fall für die zusammen gerollte Zeitung...(alter Fehler wieder abgedruckt)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sorry, muss dann nochmal gucken wie ich das ohne dir Regeln ausdrucke

Das mit den Reavern habe ich vorher mit dem Chaos Spieler besprochen, er sagte für ihn zählt der englische Codex, solange bis es einen Errater dazu gibt, daher war es okay für ihn.

Zum Spiel, ich habe mit über 100 Punkten zu knapp 30 Punkten gewonnen, Die Succu ist echt heftig, ich würde sie am liebsten heiraten. Die Bombe war "Okay" habe ich mir mehr von versprochen, hatte da leider etwas würfelpech. Ich würde die Liste so wohl nochmal spielen, aber eventuell 1 Wch Trupp gegen Incubi austauschen.
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Reaktionen: kueppe
Sorry, muss dann nochmal gucken wie ich das ohne dir Regeln ausdrucke
Einfach bei Battlescribe bei der Listenübersicht oben rechts auf das Zahnrad tippen.
Da kommt dann das Bedienfeld Customize Output ,da wählst du dann alles unter dem Punkt all Point Cost ab und fertig.:)
Auch ist es erwähnenswert ganz unten die Option Advanced Options zu wählen damit Listen gut formatiert für Foren sind.
Da wählst du unter Advanced Options den ersten Reiter und stellst auf BBC Code um und abschließend einfach Copy Paste.
Das wäre dann das Optimum.:)
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Reaktionen: sejason