

7 Januar 2015
Armee Liste von Diggn und Dziko :

SpaceMarines: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 995 Punkte

*************** 1 HQ ***************

- Ultramarines

+ - Boltpistole
- Kettenschwert
- - - > 90 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************

Scout Squad
5 Scouts
- 4 x Scharfschützengewehr
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant
- Boltpistole
- Scharfschützengewehr
- - - > 60 Punkte

Scout Squad
5 Scouts
- 4 x Scharfschützengewehr
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant
- Boltpistole
- Scharfschützengewehr
- - - > 60 Punkte

*************** 2 Sturm ***************

Assault Squad
5 Space Marines
- 2 x Flammenwerfer
- Sprungmodule
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant
- Boltpistole
- 1 x Energiefaust
- - - > 120 Punkte

Drop Pod
- Sturmbolter
- - - > 35 Punkte

*************** 3 Unterstützung ***************

Centurion Devastator Squad
3 Centurionen
- 3 x Hurricane-Bolter
- 3 x Gravkanone und Gravverstärker
- - - > 240 Punkte

Devastator Squad
5 Space Marines
- 4 x Multimelter
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant
- Boltpistole
- Bolter
+ - Landungskapsel
- Sturmbolter
- - - > 145 Punkte

Devastator Squad
5 Space Marines
- 4 x Gravkanone
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant
- Boltpistole
- Bolter
+ - Landungskapsel
- Sturmbolter
- - - > 245 Punkte

GreyKnights: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 995 Punkte

*************** 1 HQ ***************

- Nemesis-Wehrstab
- - - > 110 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************

5 Grey Knights
- 3 x Nemesis-Psischwert
- 3 x Sturmbolter
- 1 x Erlöser-Flammenwerfer
+ Upgrade zum Justicar
- Nemesis-Psischwert
- Sturmbolter
- - - > 115 Punkte

5 Grey Knights
- 3 x Nemesis-Psischwert
- 3 x Sturmbolter
- 1 x Erlöser-Flammenwerfer
+ Upgrade zum Justicar
- Nemesis-Psischwert
- Sturmbolter
- - - > 115 Punkte

*************** 3 Unterstützung ***************

Nemesis Dreadknight
- Nemesis-Dämonenhammer
- Schwerer Erlöser-Flammenwerfer
- Schnellfeuer-Psipulser
- Teleportmodul
- - - > 215 Punkte

Nemesis Dreadknight
- Nemesis-Dämonenhammer
- Schwerer Erlöser-Flammenwerfer
- Schwerer Psibolter
- Teleportmodul
- - - > 220 Punkte

Nemesis Dreadknight
- Nemesis-Dämonenhammer
- Schwerer Erlöser-Flammenwerfer
- Schwerer Psibolter
- Teleportmodul
- - - > 220 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1990


26 April 2011
Armeelisten Team Raumpatrouille

Space Marines: Kombiniertes Kontingent (Hauptkontingent) - 1000 Punkte
*************** 2 HQ ***************
Orden:, White Scars
Kor'sarro Khan, Monddrache
- - - > 150 Punkte
Librarian, Meisterschaftsgrad 2
+ Boltpistole, Psiwaffe, The Hunter's Eye (WZ Kauyon - Sons of the Great Khan) -> 20 Pkt.
- - - > 110 Punkte
*************** 3 Standard ***************
Bike Squad
5 Space Marines auf Bike, 2 x Boltpistole, 2 x Gravstrahler
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 135 Punkte
Bike Squad
5 Space Marines auf Bike, 2 x Boltpistole, 2 x Gravstrahler
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 135 Punkte
Bike Squad
5 Space Marines auf Bike, 2 x Boltpistole, 2 x Gravstrahler
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 135 Punkte
*************** 2 Sturm ***************
Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
- - - > 35 Punkte
1 Landspeeder, 1 x Schwerer Bolter, 1 x Schwerer Bolter
- - - > 50 Punkte
*************** 1 Unterstützung ***************
Centurion Devastator Squad
3 Centurionen, 3 x Hurricane-Bolter, 3 x Gravkanone und Gravverstärker, Omniskop
- - - > 250 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1000

Eldar: Kombiniertes Kontingent (Hauptkontingent) - 998 Punkte
1 HQ
Farseer, Eldar-Jetbike
+ Shurikenpistole, Runenspeer -> 5 Pkt.
- - - > 120 Punkte
4 Standard
3 Windriders, 3 x Impulslaser
- - - > 81 Punkte
3 Windriders, 3 x Impulslaser
- - - > 81 Punkte
3 Windriders, 3 x sync. Shurikenkatapult
- - - > 51 Punkte
3 Windriders, 1 x sync. Shurikenkatapult, 2 x Shurikenkanone
- - - > 71 Punkte
3 Sturm
2 Vypers, 2 x Shurikenkanone, 2 x Shurikenkanone
- - - > 100 Punkte
5 Warp Spiders, Exarch, Monofilamentschleuder
- - - > 105 Punkte
5 Warp Spiders
- - - > 95 Punkte
3 Unterstützung
2 Kampfläufer, 4 x Impulslaser
- - - > 120 Punkte
3 Dark Reapers, 2 x Sternschlagraketen, Exarch, Khaindar-Raketenwerfer, Sternschlagraketen
- - - > 114 Punkte
2 Support Battery, 2 x Monofilamentweber
- - - > 60 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 998


2 Februar 2010
erstmal vielen Dank an CryoCortex für den Hinweis.

Das Hunters Eye ist tatsächlich NICHT ERLAUBT. Eine legale Space Marine Liste muss komplett aus dem Codex Adeptus Astartes Space Marines erstellt werden. Relikte aus einem Supplement sind nicht erlaubt.

Daher bitte ich das Team Raumpatrouille seine Liste zu ändern.


2 Februar 2010
NGC 25, Team Northguard Heresy

++ Chaos - Khorne Daemonkin (Combined Arms Detachment) (1000pts) ++

+ HQ (390pts) +

Chaos Lord (250pts) [Axe of Khorne, Juggernaut of Khorne, Power Fist, Sigil of Corruption, The Blood-forged Armour]

Chaos Lord (140pts) [Close Combat Weapon, Juggernaut of Khorne, Melta Bombs, Power Sword]
Power Armour [Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades]

+ Troops (116pts) +

Chaos Cultists (58pts)
Cultist Champion [Autopistol, Close Combat Weapon, Improvised Armour]
7x Cultists [7x Close Combat Weapon, 7x Improvised Armour]

Chaos Cultists (58pts)
Cultist Champion [Autopistol, Close Combat Weapon, Improvised Armour]
7x Cultists [7x Close Combat Weapon, 7x Improvised Armour]

+ Fast Attack (224pts) +

Flesh Hounds (112pts)
7x Flesh Hounds [7x Collar of Khorne]

Flesh Hounds (112pts)
7x Flesh Hounds [7x Collar of Khorne]

+ Heavy Support (270pts) +

Maulerfiend (140pts) [2x Lasher Tendrils, Daemonic Possession, 2x Powerfists]

Maulerfiend (130pts) [2x Magma Cutters, Daemonic Possession, 2x Powerfists]

++ Skitarii/Cult Mechanicus: (Combined Arms Detachment) (1.000 pts) ++

+ HQ (110pts) +

Tech-Priest Dominus (110pts) [Artificer armour, Conversion field, Macrostubber, Mechadendrite harness, Power axe, Scryerskull, Volkite blaster]

+ Troops (570 pts) +

Kataphron Destroyers (165pts) [Kataphron demiplate]
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]

Skitarii Vanguard (130pts) [Plasma caliver, Radium carbine, 9x Skitarii Vanguard, Skitarii war plate]
Vanguard Alpha [Skitarii war plate]

Skitarii Vanguard (160pts) [2x Plasma caliver, Radium carbine, 9x Skitarii Vanguard, Skitarii war plate]
Vanguard Alpha [Skitarii war plate]

Skitarii Vanguard (115pts) [Arc rifle, Radium carbine, 9x Skitarii Vanguard, Skitarii war plate]
Vanguard Alpha [Skitarii war plate]

+ Heavy Support (320pts) +

Kastelan Robot Maniple (320pts)
Cybernetica Datasmith [Artificer armour, Dataspike, Gamma pistol, Power fist, Refractor field]
Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Kastelan battlehide, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Kastelan battlehide, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]


7 Juni 2012
Ineloki & Sup3rh3ro Team Corvus et Lupus

Space Wolves: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 1000 Punkte
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Wolflord 105 Punkte, Runenrüstung 20 Pkt., Donnerwolf 50 Pkt.
+ 1 x Sturmschild 15 Pkt., 1 x Energiefaust 25 Pkt. -> 40 Pkt.
- - - > 215 Punkte

*************** 1 Elite ***************
Wulfen5 Wulfen 150 Pkt., 1 x Zweihand-Fostaxt( 8 Pkt., 1 x 2 Frostklauen 12 Pkt., 3 x Energiehammer + Sturmschild 60 Pkt.
- - - > 230 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************
10 Grey Hunter 140 Pkt., Plasmawerfer 15 Pkt., Plasmawerfer 15 Pkt.
- - - > 170 Punkte

10 Grey Hunter 140 Pkt., Plasmawerfer 15 Pkt.
- - - > 155 Punkte

*************** 1 Sturm ***************
Thunderwolf Cavalry
5 Thunderwolf Cavalry 200 Pkt., 3 x Boltpistole kostenlos, 5 x Kettenschwert kostenlos, 2 x Sturmschild 30 Pkt.
- - - > 230 Punkte

Astra Militarum: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 1000 Punkte
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Leman Russ Squadron 30 Punkte
+ Leman Russ Punisher 140 Pkt., Laserkanone 10 Pkt., Paar Multimelter 20 Pkt., Knight Commander Pask 40 Pkt. -> 210 Pkt.
+ Leman Russ Demolisher 170 Pkt., Schwerer Bolter kostenlos -> 170 Pkt.
- - - > 410 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************
Veteranentrupp 60 Punkte, Plänkler 10 Pkt., 2 x Veteran mit Flammenwerfer 10 Pkt., 1 x Veteran mit schwerem Flammenwerfer 10 Pkt., Veteranensergeant kostenlos, 1 x Laserpistole kostenlos, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe kostenlos
- - - > 90 Punkte

Veteranentrupp 60 Punkte, Plänkler 10 Pkt., 1 x Veteranen Waffenteam mit Maschinenkanone 10 Pkt., Veteranensergeant kostenlos, 1 x Laserpistole kostenlos, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe kostenlos
- - - > 80 Punkte

*************** 3 Unterstützung ***************
Leman Russ Squadron
+ Leman Russ Battle Tank 150 Pkt., Schwerer Bolter kostenlos -> 150 Pkt.

Leman Russ Squadron
+ Leman Russ Battle Tank 150 Pkt., Schwerer Bolter kostenlos -> 150 Pkt.

Leman Russ Squadron
+ Leman Russ Eradicator 120 Pkt., Schwerer Bolter kostenlos -> 120 Pkt.

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 2000
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

J.B. the G.

16 Mai 2013

Combined Arms Detachment (Space Marines: Codex (2015) v2028) (1000pts)
• No Force Org Slot
o Chapter Tactics
White Scars
• HQ (150pts)
o Kor'Sarro Khan (150pts)
Bolt Pistol, Chapter Relic: Moondrakkan (25pts), Chapter Relic: Moonfang, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo

• Troops (435pts)
o 3x Bike Squad (145pts)
 Biker (21pts)
Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades
 Space Marine Bike
Twin-Linked Boltgun
 Biker (21pts)
Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades
 Space Marine Bike
Twin-Linked Boltgun
 Biker (Special Weapon) (36pts)
Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Grav-gun (15pts)
 Space Marine Bike
Twin-Linked Boltgun
 Biker (Special Weapon) (36pts)
Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Grav-gun (15pts)
 Space Marine Bike
Twin-Linked Boltgun
 Biker Sergeant (31pts)
Bolt Pistol, Combi-Grav (10pts), Frag and Krak Grenades
 Space Marine Bike
Twin-Linked Boltgun

• Fast Attack (165pts)
o Drop Pod (35pts)
Storm Bolter
o Stormtalon Gunship (130pts)
Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, Tyhpoon Missile Launcher (20pts)

• Heavy Support (250pts)
o Centurion Devastator Squad (250pts)
 Centurion (80pts)
Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp (25pts), Hurricane Bolter
 Centurion (80pts)
Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp (25pts), Hurricane Bolter
 Centurion Sergeant (90pts)
Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp (25pts), Hurricane Bolter, Omniscope (10pts)


20 April 2016
Der Hammer NF 1

Xenomorph-Alpha & Cryo-Corte

Astra Militarum: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 1000 Punkte

*************** 1 HQ ***************

Leman Russ Squadron 30 Punkte Warlord
+ - Leman Russ Punisher 140 Pkt.
- Schwerer Bolter kostenlos
- Paar Plasmakanonen 30 Pkt.
- Knight Commander Pask 40 Pkt.
+ - Leman Russ Battle Tank 150 Pkt.
- Schwerer Bolter kostenlos
- - - > 390 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************

Veteranentrupp 60 Punkte
- Veteranensergeant kostenlos
- 1 x Laserpistole kostenlos
- 1 x Nahkampfwaffe kostenlos
- - - > 60 Punkte

Veteranentrupp 60 Punkte
- Veteranensergeant kostenlos
- 1 x Laserpistole kostenlos
- 1 x Nahkampfwaffe kostenlos
- - - > 60 Punkte

*************** 3 Unterstützung ***************

Leman Russ Squadron
+ - Leman Russ Battle Tank 150 Pkt.
- Schwerer Bolter kostenlos

Raketenpanzer Manticor 170 Punkte
- Schwerer Bolter kostenlos
- - - > 170 Punkte

Raketenpanzer Manticor 170 Punkte
- Schwerer Bolter kostenlos
- - - > 170 Punkte

Sternenreich der Tau: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 1000 Punkte

*************** 1 HQ ***************

Commander 85 Punkte Warlord
+ - Drohnensteuerung 8 Pkt.
- Schildgenerator 25 Pkt.
- Schubumkehrdüsen 5 Pkt.
- Stimulanzinjektor 15 Pkt.
- Kampfanzug XV08-02 Krisis 'Iridium' 25 Pkt.
- Onager-Handschuh 5 Pkt.
- 2 x Markiererdrohne 24 Pkt.
- - - > 192 Punkte

*************** 2 Elite ***************

XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
+ Riptide Shas'vre 180 Pkt.
- sync. Fusionsblaster kostenlos
- Ionenbeschleuniger 5 Pkt.
- Frühwarn-Reaktivsystem 5 Pkt.

XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
+ Riptide Shas'vre 180 Pkt.
- sync. Fusionsblaster kostenlos
- Ionenbeschleuniger 5 Pkt.
- Frühwarn-Reaktivsystem 5 Pkt.

*************** 2 Standard ***************

Strike Team
5 Feuerkrieger 45 Pkt.

Strike Team
5 Feuerkrieger 45 Pkt.

*************** 1 Sturm ***************

4 Drohnen 56 Pkt.
- 4 x Markiererdrohnen kostenlos
- - - > 56 Punkte

*************** 1 Unterstützung ***************

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
+ Broadside Shas'ui 65 Pkt.
- sync. Hochleistungs-Raketenmagazin kostenlos
- sync. Schwärmer-Raketensystem kostenlos
- Frühwarn-Reaktivsystem 5 Pkt.
+ Broadside Shas'ui 65 Pkt.
- sync. Hochleistungs-Raketenmagazin kostenlos
- sync. Schwärmer-Raketensystem kostenlos
- Multiple Zielerfassung 5 Pkt.
+ Broadside Shas'ui 65 Pkt.
- sync. Hochleistungs-Raketenmagazin kostenlos
- sync. Schwärmer-Raketensystem kostenlos
- Multiple Zielerfassung 5 Pkt.
- 6 x Raketendrohne 72 Pkt.
- - - > 282 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 2000


8 Januar 2015
Team Rabauken
++ Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons: Codex v2005) (998pts) ++

+ HQ (300pts) +

Daemonic Heralds (300pts)
Herald of Khorne (155pts) [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward (20pts), D6 Lesser Daemonic Reward (10pts), Exalted Locus of Wrath (25pts), Hellblade, Juggernaut (45pts)]
Herald of Khorne (145pts) [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward (20pts), Exalted Locus of Wrath (25pts), Hellblade, Juggernaut (45pts)]

+ Troops (90pts) +

Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings (45pts)]

Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings (45pts)]

+ Fast Attack (608pts) +

Flesh Hounds of Khorne (304pts) [19x Flesh Hounds (304pts)]

Flesh Hounds of Khorne (304pts) [19x Flesh Hounds (304pts)]

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons: Codex v2005) (1000pts) ++

+ HQ (425pts) +

Daemonic Heralds (425pts)
Herald of Khorne (155pts) [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward (20pts), D6 Lesser Daemonic Reward (10pts), Exalted Locus of Wrath (25pts), Hellblade, Juggernaut (45pts)]
Herald of Khorne (120pts) [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward (20pts), Hellblade, Juggernaut (45pts)]
Herald of Tzeentch (150pts) [D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward (30pts), Disc of Tzeentch (25pts), Psyker Level 3 (50pts)]

+ Troops (144pts) +

Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings (45pts)]

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (99pts) [11x Pink Horrors (99pts)]

+ Fast Attack (431pts) +

Flesh Hounds of Khorne (256pts) [16x Flesh Hounds (256pts)]

Screamers of Tzeentch (175pts) [7x Screamers (175pts)]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


14 Mai 2016
Liste von SeSch

Astra Militarum: Kombiniertes Kontingent (Hauptkontingent) - 1000 Punkte
*************** 2 HQ ***************
Leman Russ Squadron
+ Leman Russ Eradicator, Schwerer Bolter, Paar schwere Bolter -> 140 Pkt. (Kriegsherr)
+ Leman Russ Exterminator, Schwerer Bolter -> 130 Pkt.
- - - > 300 Punkte

Company Command Squad, 1 x Veteran mit Funkgerät, 1 x Veteranen Waffenteam mit Mörser
+ Company Commander, 1 x Laserpistole, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe -> 0 Pkt.
+ Chimäre, Multilaser, Schwerer Bolter -> 65 Pkt.
- - - > 135 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************
+ Platoon Command Squad, Zugkommandeur, 1 x Laserpistole, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe, 1 x Waffenteam mit Maschinenkanone -> 40 Pkt.
+ Infantry Squad, Soldat mit Funkgerät, Waffenteam mit Maschinenkanone, Upgrade zum Sergeant, 1 x Laserpistole, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe -> 65 Pkt.
+ Infantry Squad, Waffenteam mit Maschinenkanone, Upgrade zum Sergeant, 1 x Laserpistole, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe -> 60 Pkt.
- - - > 165 Punkte

Veteranentrupp, 3 x Veteran mit Melter, Veteranensergeant, 1 x Laserpistole, 1 x Nahkampfwaffe
+ Taurox, sync. Maschinenkanone -> 50 Pkt.
- - - > 140 Punkte

*************** 2 Unterstützung ***************
Wyvern Battery
+ Schwerer Bolter -> 65 Pkt.
+ Schwerer Bolter -> 65 Pkt.
- - - > 130 Punkte

Wyvern Battery
+ Schwerer Bolter -> 65 Pkt.
+ Schwerer Bolter -> 65 Pkt.
- - - > 130 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1000

Liste von brefstar

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Genestealer Cults - Codex) (996pts) ++

+ HQ (200pts) +

········Magus (85pts) [Mastery Level 2 (25pts), The Crouchling (20pts)]

········Patriarch (115pts) [Mastery Level 2 (25pts)]

+ Elites (234pts) +

········Hybrid Metamorphs (67pts)
············Hybrid Metamorph (11pts) [Autopistol, Claw (2pts)]
············Hybrid Metamorph (11pts) [Autopistol, Claw (2pts)]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]

········Hybrid Metamorphs (69pts)
············Hybrid Metamorph (11pts) [Autopistol, Claw (2pts)]
············Hybrid Metamorph (11pts) [Autopistol, Claw (2pts)]
············Hybrid Metamorph (11pts) [Autopistol, Claw (2pts)]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]
············Hybrid Metamorph (9pts) [Autopistol, Talon]

········Purestrain Genestealers (98pts) [7x Purestrain Genestealer (98pts)]

+ Troops (562pts) +

········Acolyte Hybrids (170pts) [20x Acolyte Hybrid (160pts), Cult Icon (10pts)]

········Acolyte Hybrids (107pts) [4x Acolyte Hybrid (32pts), Cult Icon (10pts)]
············5x Acolyte Hybrid w/ Hand Flamer (65pts) [5x Hand Flamer (25pts)]

········Acolyte Hybrids (107pts) [4x Acolyte Hybrid (32pts), Cult Icon (10pts)]
············5x Acolyte Hybrid w/ Hand Flamer (65pts) [5x Hand Flamer (25pts)]

········Acolyte Hybrids (66pts) [7x Acolyte Hybrid (56pts), Cult Icon (10pts)]

········Acolyte Hybrids (56pts) [7x Acolyte Hybrid (56pts)]

········Acolyte Hybrids (56pts) [7x Acolyte Hybrid (56pts)]

Gesamtpunkte der Armee: 996


20 Mai 2015
Christopher Querox
Warlord :Farseer

+++ Eldar (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2019) (990pts) +++

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) v2018) ++

+ HQ +

········Farseer [Eldar Jetbike, The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan, Witchblade]

+ Troops +

············5x Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [5x Scatter Laser]

············5x Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [5x Scatter Laser]

············5x Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [5x Scatter Laser]

············5x Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [5x Scatter Laser]

············4x Windrider w/ Scatter Laser [4x Scatter Laser]

+ Heavy Support +

········Dark Reapers [2x Dark Reaper]
············Dark Reaper Exarch [Reaper Launcher with Starswarm Missiles + Starshot]

········Dark Reapers [2x Dark Reaper, Starshot Missiles]
············Dark Reaper Exarch [Reaper Launcher with Starswarm Missiles +

Stephan Präsi
Warlord : Destroyer Lord
+++ Necrons (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2019) (1000pts) +++

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Necrons: Codex (2015) v2002) ++

+ HQ +

········Destroyer Lord [Artefact: The Nightmare Shroud, Phase Shifter, Resurrection Orb, Warscythe]

········Orikan the Diviner

+ Elites +

········Triarch Praetorians [Rod of Covenant, 9x Triarch Praetorian]

+ Troops +

········Immortals [5x Immortal, Tesla Carbine]

········Immortals [Gauss Blaster, 5x Immortal]

+ Fast Attack +

········Destroyers [Destroyer, Destroyer, Destroyer]

········Tomb Blades
············Tomb Blade [Shadowloom, Shield Vanes, Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
············Tomb Blade [Shield Vanes, Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
············Tomb Blade [Shield Vanes, Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]

········Tomb Blades
············Tomb Blade [Shield Vanes, Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
············Tomb Blade [Shadowloom, Shield Vanes, Twin-linked Gauss Blaster]
············Tomb Blade [Shadowloom, Shield Vanes, Twin-linked Gauss blaster


29 Januar 2010
Team Wolfpack
Beide Armeen enthalten den imperial Marine

Space Marines: Kombiniertes Kontingent (Hauptkontingent) - 1000 Punkte
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Orden:, Raven Guard

Librarian, Meisterschaftsgrad 2 (Warlord)
+ Boltpistole, Psiwaffe -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 90 Punkte

*************** 3 Standard ***************
Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Scharfschützengewehr
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Scharfschützengewehr -> 1 Pkt.
- - - > 60 Punkte

Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Handwaffe
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Kampfmesser -> 0 Pkt.
+ Landspeeder Storm, Multimelter -> 50 Pkt.
- - - > 105 Punkte

Tactical Squad
5 Space Marines, Gravkanone
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter -> 0 Pkt.
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter -> 35 Pkt.
- - - > 140 Punkte

*************** 3 Sturm ***************
Stormtalon Gunship, Skyhammer-Raketenwerfer
- - - > 115 Punkte

Stormtalon Gunship, Skyhammer-Raketenwerfer
- - - > 115 Punkte

Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
- - - > 35 Punkte

*************** 2 Unterstützung ***************
1 Thunderfire-Cannon
- - - > 100 Punkte

Centurion Devastator Squad
3 Centurionen, 3 x Hurricane-Bolter, 3 x Gravkanone und Gravverstärker
- - - > 240 Punkte

Space Marines: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 999 Punkte
*************** 2 HQ ***************
Orden:, Raven Guard

Captain(Warlord), Meisterhafte Rüstung
+ 1 x Energieaxt, Der Schild der Ewigkeit -> 65 Pkt.
- - - > 175 Punkte

Librarian, Meisterschaftsgrad 2
+ Boltpistole, Psiwaffe -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 90 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************
Tactical Squad
5 Space Marines, Gravkanone
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter -> 0 Pkt.
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter -> 35 Pkt.
- - - > 140 Punkte

Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Handwaffe
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Kampfmesser -> 0 Pkt.
+ Landspeeder Storm, Schwerer Flamer -> 40 Pkt.
- - - > 95 Punkte

*************** 2 Sturm ***************
Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
- - - > 35 Punkte

Bike Squad
4 Space Marines auf Bike, 1 x Boltpistole, 2 x Plasmawerfer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 114 Punkte

*************** 2 Unterstützung ***************
1 Thunderfire-Cannon
- - - > 100 Punkte

Centurion Devastator Squad
3 Centurionen, 3 x Hurricane-Bolter, 3 x Gravkanone und Gravverstärker, Omniskop
- - - > 250 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1999


20 Oktober 2014
Team NvwG - Nahkämpfe vermeiden wir Gekonnt

+++ NGC (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2027) (1996pts) +++

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Tyranids: Codex (2014) v2006) (1000pts) ++

+ HQ (450pts) +

········The Swarmlord (285pts)

········Tyranid Prime(Warlord) (165pts) [Adrenal Glands (15pts), Flesh Hooks (5pts), Lashwhip & Boneswords (20pts), Scything Talons]

+ Elites (85pts) +

········Malanthrope Brood (85pts) [Malanthrope (85pts)]

+ Troops (30pts) +

········Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore (15pts)]

········Mucolid Spore Cluster (15pts) [Mucolid Spore (15pts)]

+ Fast Attack (105pts) +

········Ravener Brood (105pts)
············Ravener (35pts) [Rending Claws (5pts)]
············Ravener (35pts) [Rending Claws (5pts)]
············Ravener (35pts) [Rending Claws (5pts)]

+ Heavy Support (330pts) +

········Carnifex Brood (330pts)
············Carnifex (165pts) [Adrenal Glands (15pts), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (15pts), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (15pts)]
············Carnifex (165pts) [Adrenal Glands (15pts), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (15pts), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (15pts)]

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Dark Eldar: Codex (2014) v2007) (996pts) ++

+ HQ (170pts) +

········Court of the Archon (75pts) [Lhameans (10pts)]
············Venom (65pts) [Splinter Cannon (10pts)]

········Succubus(Warlord) (95pts) [Archite glaive (20pts), Splinter pistol]

+ Elites (221pts) +

········Grotesques (185pts)
············Aberration (45pts) [Close combat weapon]
············Grotesque (35pts) [Close combat weapon]
············Grotesque (35pts) [Close combat weapon]
············Raider (70pts) [Disintegrator cannon, Night Shields (15pts)]

········Mandrakes (36pts) [3x Mandrake (36pts)]

+ Troops (315pts) +

········Kabalite Warriors (105pts) [5x Kabalite Warrior (40pts)]
············Venom (65pts) [Splinter Cannon (10pts)]

········Kabalite Warriors (105pts) [5x Kabalite Warrior (40pts)]
············Venom (65pts) [Splinter Cannon (10pts)]

········Kabalite Warriors (105pts) [5x Kabalite Warrior (40pts)]
············Venom (65pts) [Splinter Cannon (10pts)]

+ Heavy Support (290pts) +

········Ravager (145pts) [Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Enhanced Aethersails (5pts), Night Shields (15pts)]

········Ravager (145pts) [Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Enhanced Aethersails (5pts), Night Shields (15pts)]

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