28 - das etwas andere Warhammer Magazin


10 August 2001
Die 28-mag Leut haben einen neuen Ableger. Vorsicht, Augenkrebs!

Gelöschtes Mitglied 49535

Ich mach mir halt Sorgen um dich, vielleicht hast du Halluzinationen und da wäre es besser zu wissen wo's herkommt. Heute blätterst du in imaginären Online-Zeitschriften, morgen fällst du aus dem 12. Stock, weil du glaubst du kannst fliegen - nie vergessen: die Landung ist entscheidend! 😉

Zudem, Alex Winberg hat Anfang Januar auf Discord geschrieben, die #5 ist bei den "editors"; vielleicht gibts ne Doppelausgabe 2in1 mit der 3. IWD zum 8. März, Sherriff hat mit seinem Kickstarter zu tun...
...bisher hat sich das Warten immer gelohnt!

Gelöschtes Mitglied 49535

Via Letters from the Dark (Patreon):
Hi, long time and no communications from us. That's just bad form and I apologize for that.

So what's going on with 28 then? First let me tell you that volume 5 is almost finished. The layout is around 90% done, the editors and layout folk is just going through it to check for any last mistakes. I would like to say that it will launch in May, but I don't want to disappoint you with false promises again. Lets just say it should be done, hopefully, very, very soon.

On that note I can however say that it's a great volume, a bit thinner than the previous behemoths, but with everything you can expect in it. So just have a little more patience please.

I hope you have all had the chance to listen to our podcast, 32 (I hate the name). We will likely have more episodes coming to you during the summer. Let us know if there is any topic you want us to talk about, or someone to interview.

SKULLS #2 was recently launched. I would love to hear what you think of it. It has been a fun little side project for Pierre, Paul and me to work on while the editors have been more or less busy with vol 5. If there is interest then I am not against doing a third issue.
Our site is back up and with even more games available for free! I am really happy that we got the punk banger TSPN added to the site and we have a couple more on the way. If you have an indie game you want to add to our site then let me know.

I guess that's all for now. Thank you all for sticking with us for so long, it means a lot to me and help us a lot.

Grimdark love to you all.
