Fallout: Wasteland Warfare


Massively Popular Video Game Being Developed Into First Tabletop Game with Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Tabletop Miniatures Game

LONDON, ENGLAND (April 26, 2017): Modiphius Entertainment, publisher of the Star Trek, Achtung! Cthulhu, Mutant Chronicles, Conan, Infinity and John Carter of Mars roleplaying games, is thrilled to announce today that Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, the first tabletop miniatures game based on the Fallout universe, is currently in development and is set to release November 2017.

In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, players will build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in apocalyptic games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka- Cola vending machines and wrecked vehicles. Settlements will include buildings, defenses and resources that impact the crew's army list and abilities in the wasteland.

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare will include an entire narrative campaign arc as well as unique random missions with narrative-style objectives, and Crew Caps recovered in missions can be used to improve the crew's perks, weapons, gear, and upgrades for the next encounter. In either Player vs. Player, or Tournament mode, players will try to survive the tabletop wasteland.

The game will also come with a customizable solo-play AI deck to control enemies that play to their strengths and replicate a faction's tactics while attempting a narrative mission or perfecting settlement-building strategy. Players can also team up with a friend to defend a larger settlement or explore narrative missions in cooperative games against AI forces or the post-apocalyptic dangers of the wasteland.
"Like many I've been experiencing the wasteland for years through the different Fallout video games and always wanted to recreate the skirmishes and bigger battles on the tabletop," says Chris Birch, publisher, Modiphius Entertainment.
Organized Play packs will be available at launch to retail stores, organizers and gaming groups.
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare will be available for pre-order in the summer.

Please help share the picture of the Sole Survivor and Dogmeat on our Facebook page

Infohappen von modiphius auf dakkadakka:

Alpharius wrote:
So, not Prodos then?

Hi I can confirm it's definitely not Prodos. We're using a UK casting company who do very good quality resin production. They're also used by Hawk Wargames if that helps :-)

Siygess wrote:Cool stuff. I wonder if we will see any of the companion characters from the Fallout games? That would be pretty neat.

Hey Modiphius, have you considered partnering with someone for some official terrain? If not, then TTCombat might not be a bad idea - they do resin casting too, so could easily (and cheaply!) do hybrid MDF and resin kits.

Funnily enough yes we are and we have and the Red Rocket terrain set you're going to see is simply bloody brilliant the guys we're doing it with have done an incredible job. Following will be lots more awesome sets to build your wasteland. There will be buildings and lots of resin accessories such as nuka cola machines, rusted cars, work benches and consoles etc.

Paradigm wrote:I wonder how this game is going to have the various wildlife function; it doesn't really make sense to have them as a playable faction, but they could work well as an AI card controlled 'third faction'.

You could be in the middle of a shootout over some loot and a Deathclaw shows up to ruin your day, something like that could totally change the dynamic of the game as both sides then have a much bigger problem than each other.

There will be an AI deck plus at the moment every set comes with specific AI cards for that faction or units so the AI is always customised based on what you're facing. We're looking at narrative AI stuff as well. Perhaps Raiders are more sneaky so they pop out of the nearest ruins. And yes there will be Deathclaws... lots of them

Yodhrin wrote:One thing I'd like to know - it's clear that the initial release will pretty much be "Fallout 4 - The Not-video Game", which is fine and expected since you'll want to tap into the most recent buzz and Bethesda no doubt want the license to promote the game they're presently selling. But. Assuming the game does well, will we be getting "proper" Fallout at some stage? If not the original couple of games, then maybe at least New Vegas themed stuff?
The new games aren't bad or anything, but they just don't have the same feel as the old radioactive desert setting.

There's a lot in Fallout 4 to keep us busy but we've already got eyes on factions in Fallout 3 and we've access to 1 and 2 for stoyline and factions when we need it. We don't want to swamp everyone with options (and stores just won't carry everything) so we have to roll them out slowly. There will be 3 good factions at launch, then more following and one of those is the Wastelanders which is like your settlement with Sturgess, Mama Murphy, Preston Garvey, the Sole Survivor etc. There will be lots of allies sets if you want to focus on them or you can team them up with one of the main factions. Anyway yes - older Fallout stuff hell yes just give us time. We're doing a survey next week if you're signed up to help tell us which factions, characters, scenery etc you MOST want to see first so will be a good change to get heard. I'm a big believer in checking that what we think is a great idea is actually what you all want too.

endtransmission wrote:Enquiring minds want to know if we can play as Liberty Prime too

Make a massive resin robot that you could only use with giant battles ....? What do you think the answer is ;-) I will be the first one testing 50 Deathclaws against 100 Brotherhood of Steel just because. Wait for that video playthrough.

Dakka Flakka Flame wrote:Weapon sprues would be amazing!
I figure it will be easy enough to paint many of those bases up with a desert look, or maybe add some extra sand to the more urban ones.
The nice thing about concrete is that it is plausible in pretty much any region.

Yes we'll put weapon and gear sprues for modders together for month 2 or 3 once the figure sets are all set up. There will also be scenic bases with the peg holes filled for those who want to customise (the models all have pegs in the feet to slot them quickly in to the bases).

We are considering a hard plastic sprue for the sole survivor (male / female) with lots of options as I figure this could be the one everyone would want. However - you've got to be really careful with hard plastic a it's very easy to really screw up (I'm sure many of you can think of good examples of that), and spend a lot of money not getting it right. We want to give you really beautiful resin figures first and then look at expanding from there. We'll likely bring this up in the survey and spend time getting it right if we decide to do that.

Shadow Captain Edithae wrote:
modiphius wrote:
There will be 3 good factions at launch, then more following and one of those is the Wastelanders which is like your settlement with Sturgess, Mama Murphy, Preston Garvey, the Sole Survivor etc.

Settlement, you say? Interesting...will you mark this settlement on our map for our convenience?

Well of course you're going to create your own version of Sanctuary Hills, on paper and or cards you can create various resources that benefit your battles but when it comes to fight a defense game you translate your Caps in to an actual base. Did your buddy try his luck with Supermutants last time against your defences? Maybe go for more gas powered turrets this time, a few exploding cars? Maybe it's better to get more cover in case he's thinking more long range firepower. Each game you can try a different strategy -
you don't lose stuff if you lose the game. This is one of the bits I'm personally interested in alongside the AI side of things. There's going to be a 'set' that digs deep in to base building and defenses. I better not say too much more as the design team will give me hard stares after the weekend as it is haha!
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Neue Infos:

Bei Beasts of War gab es ein kurzes Q&A mit Chris Birch von Modiphius, bei dem einige spannende Details zum kommenden Fallout-Tabletop verraten wurden!

Chris Birch gave us a taster of what we can expect to see from the game when it launches.
BoW: So, we’ve seen the first few teasers about the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game. Can you give us some more detail on how the game is going to release initially?
Chris Birch: You can expect a series of factions being released in waves with starter sets and then expansions for each faction to add to them and build the force you want. Everything is in super high quality resin produced in the UK with scenic bases included as standard.
We’re still considering a two player starter set which is aimed at the more mainstream market and that will likely follow after.

We know that the miniatures are going to be 32mm in scale but what material are they going to be made out of and will they come pre-assembled or in a more traditional miniatures format?
They’re very high quality resin – we’re using the same company that Hawk Wargames uses for their excellent resin production. They will not be pre-assembled but resin parts – we’re trying to keep assembly simple and minimal parts where possible though.
Saying that I do plan a sprue of stuff for modders to use – like guns, heads, kit, etc.
Can you tell us a bit more about the factions that are going to be present in the game?
I think you can guess we’re going to see the Brotherhood of Steel and the Supermutants quite early on, we then have plans to gradually roll out more factions month by month.
This week we’re doing a big survey to see which factions people are most looking forward to and that will shape which factions we introduce in wave two and three of the releases.
The idea of PvP, Co-Op & Solo tabletop missions sounds fascinating. Can you run through a bit more on how that plays out?
Well aside from player vs player, I’ve always wanted a wargame with decent solo rules so we’re working on AI decks that are flavoured by their factions specific tactics so you will see one faction acting differently to another if you face off against them on your own or with a friend.
By creating solo rules we can then have players team up together against the game – like defending a joint base together, or perhaps instead we’re playing a PvP game where a third side is controlled by the game.
Modiphius has a long history of working on some great role-playing games. How much of an influence has that had on where you go with this miniatures game?
I think it’s led us to try to bring more narrative missions to the game. Something I’ve found with a lot of wargames is a lack of decent scenarios – so we’re planning lots of linked missions in story driven campaigns with regular monthly releases in a storyline as well as packaged bundles.
Of course if you just want to face off for caps or fight over a simple objective that’s easy. We’re also considering some evolving storylines that are wrapped around each faction and how the players can have an influence on that – more on that soon!

Is there more about the general mechanics of the game you can tell us, for example how a standard turn might break down on the tabletop?
I can’t reveal too much yet as it’s still in play testing and these things could change a lot. Needless to say there’s a couple of levels of play for each unit – either as characters or squads. We could roll out with just three or four cool characters and see what the wasteland has to throw at us, or face off against your squads of say a dozen raiders.
The game focuses on games ranging from three up to thirty models, however we’re working on a mob version that would let you field much bigger numbers without it taking days to play.

Are you going to be taking this game to Kickstarter or via another platform?
It won’t be a kickstarter but a pre-order on the Modiphius store or in your local gaming stores. There will be some cool bonuses for pre-ordering from us, but we’re trying to ensure you can get this anywhere there’s a good gaming store.
Cheers for the update Chris!
Was ist neu?

  • Es werden eine Reihe von Fraktionen in mehreren Wellen veröffentlicht werden. Erst mit Starter-Boxen, dann kommen auch Erweiterungen dazu.
  • Eine 2-Spieler-Starterbox, die an den “Mainstream-Markt” gerichtet ist, wird wahrscheinlich später folgen.
  • Die Resin-Modelle werden von der britischen Firma hergestellt werden, die auch von Hawk Wargames genutzt wird. Sie kommen in Einzelteilen und müssen zusammengebaut werden, Ziel ist aber, den Zusammenbau einfach zu halten.
  • Es gibt Pläne, Einzelteile wie Waffen, Köpfe und Ausrüstung zum Umbauen als Gussrahmen oder ähnliches zu veröffentlichen.
  • Brotherhood of Steel und Supermutants werden “sehr früh” veröffentlicht werden. Weitere Fraktionen werden dann “Monat für Monat” folgen.
  • Diese Woche noch soll eine große Umfrage gestartet werden um herauszufinden, welche Fraktionen besonders erwünscht sind und das wird Einfluss darauf nehmen, was in der 2ten und 3ten Release-Welle sein wird.
  • Solo-Spiel wird über ein “KI-Kartendeck” laufen, von dem es für jede Fraktion ein eigenes geben soll, damit sich die “KI” auch so anfühlt, als würde man gegen die jeweilige Fraktion spielen.
  • Man wird auch kooperativ gegen die KI spielen können.
  • Modiphius’ Erfahrung mit Rollenspielen wird sich im Spiel erkennbar machen. Natürlich wird es einfache Szenarios a la “2 Gangs treffen aufeinander und verkloppen sich” geben, aber ein Fokus des Spiels werden erzählerische Szenarios und Kampagnen sein.
  • Auch überlegt man, eine Art fortlaufender Storyline zu entwickeln, die dann regelmäßig upgedated wird und in der die Spieler auch Einfluss auf den Plot haben werden.
  • Als Modellzahl wurde und wird “3-30” angegeben, man arbeitet aber auch an einer größeren Variante, in der dann kleine Armeen aufeinander gejagt werden können, ohne dass die Spiele gleich Tage dauern.
  • Chris hat nochmals betont, dass es kein Kickstarter sein wird, sondern ein Produkt, das bei Modiphius selbst und in Spieleläden überall vorbestellbar sein wird. Zur Vorbestellung im Modiphius-Webstore soll es auch einen kleinen Bonus geben, aber Sinn der Übung ist wohl, sicherzustellen, dass das Spiel schon zum Launch überall verfügbar sein soll.
Ich sage mal so, mir ist der PvP Modus mehr oder weniger egal, wenn der AI Modus gut wird. Wenn sie es schaffen das System auch nur halbwegs so spannend zu gestalten wie Adam bei Kingdom Death, kann man allein schon hunderte Stunden Spaß haben.

Da ich KD:M nie gespielt habe kann ich nichts dazu sagen, nett wäre es aber wenn sowas geht.
Also KD:M kannst du auch komplett Solo spielen, die Kämpfe sind sehr abwechslungsreich. Selbst Kämpfe gegen ein und das selbe Monster können extrem unterschiedlich ablaufen. Dazu ein vielfältiger Siedlungsbau mit Forschung Zufallsevents/Begegnungen und co.. Das bietet im Gesamtpaket einen sehr hohen Wiederspielwert. Wenn Modiphius das ähnlich hin bekommt, ohne einem im Spiel so oft in den Allerwertesten zu treten, wie es KD:M macht, wäre Fallout schon genial. Alleine durch unterschiedliche Fraktionen und im Vergleich zu KD:M hat Modiphius einen großen Erfahrungsschatz was Rollenspiele und Storys angeht.
Wegen Design, Hintergrund, Storys und Kampagnen mache ich mir keine Gedanken, das große Fragezeichen ist für mich wirklich die AI und die Grundregeln.
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nächste Inforunde:
Gamer Feed: How long has Fallout: Wasteland Warfare been in development?
Chris Birch: Since October last year.

Gamer Feed: Who make first contact about doing a miniatures game, based on the Fallout universe?
Chris Birch: I did – it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and have been chatting to Bethesda for a while now.

Gamer Feed: With the factions, from looking as the i models provided, there is Brotherhood of Steel, Super Mutants, and the Lone Survivor with Dogmeat. Is there any others faction that will be brought into the game?
Chris Birch: Yes you can expect to see the Raiders, the Institute and others over time. The Lone Survivor will be part of the wasteland survivors faction which includes various allies and character.

Gamer Feed: With the scenery, you showed a resin Nuka-Cola vending machine. Will the settlement buildings and wretched vehicles be in resin also, or be made of a different material?
Chris Birch: Things like machines, vending machines, crates, rusted cars etc will be in resin, whilst we’ll also have clip together pre-coloured card buildings that can be played right out of the box.

Gamer Feed: With the game it self, will it be played on a table top similar to Warhammer 40k or Warmachine, or use a board similar to Achtung! Cthulhu?
Chris Birch: It will be playable on a 3x3ft or 4 x 4ft wargame table like warhammer.

Gamer Feed: Can you provide a example of how perks will work in the game?
Chris Birch: Perks will be something you purchase with caps as your leader develops and give benefits to the leaders or their crew.

Gamer Feed:With combat, will the game use a dice based mechanic or a card based mechanic?
Chris Birch: It’s dice based, we’ll be discussing more about that soon.

Gamer Feed: In Fallout, sometimes when your fight a enemy, a wild animal might show up and accuracy you also. Will there be any random events like this in the game?
Chris Birch: Yes you have the option of including wasteland creatures which are run by an AI deck and they might attack either player. You can also have other factions show up controlled by the AI deck.

Gamer Feed: Did the scope of the project change over time?
Chris Birch: Yes there’s been a lot of changes over the development period – some of it to simplify the rules, some of it to add more Fallout flavour. It’s pretty much stayed the same scale though for 3-30 figures, though we’re not making sure we can have bigger battles too.

Gamer Feed: Others games you have created has a Kickstarter to launch the game. What was the decision to skip Kickstarter for launching this game?
Chris Birch: We wanted to get the game out quickly, and so decided to invest a lot of time in getting the game in to development, then run a pre-order and launch with the first factions.

Game Feed: What is the MSRP of the game?
Chris Birch: We’re currently working on this.

Gamer Feed: When players build a crew, will they be limited to there factions, or will they be able to build a crew out of mixing factions? E.G. Brotherhood of Steele fighting along side Super Mutants.
Chris Birch: You can decide to play a narrative game where you’re limited to allies based on the storyline, or you can play anything goes where you might mix and match just the cool figures you want together.

Gamer Feed: Will there be a Super Mutant Behemoth in the game?
Chris Birch: Oh yes!
Auf vielfache Anfrage wird es nun zu Beginn gleich ein 2 Spieler Starterset geben.
Auf der Homepage von Modiphius soll es im laufe der Zeit neue Szenarios und auch Kampagnen als kostenlosen Download geben, große kostenpflichtige Kampagnen Erweiterungen wird es auch geben.

Eine Liste für bekannte Charaktere aus Fallout 4 wurde auch schon teilweise preis gegeben.

  • Sturges – A Third Generation Synth
  • Preston Garvey – The Minute Mens Senior Officer
  • Ronnie – A Veteran Servicewoman in the Minutemen
  • Mama Murphy – A Clairvoyant Chem Addict. How fun.
  • Piper – A Skilled Reporter. Not someone I would call on in a battle, but that’s just me.
  • Paladin Dance – Brotherhood of Steel Paladin
  • Elder Maxson – Brotherhood of Steel Elder, descendent of Arthur Maxson
  • Lancer-Captain Kells – Brotherhood of Steel, Captain, Prydwen
  • Knight-Captain Cade – Brotherhood of Steel, Medical Officer, Prydwen
  • Dr. Zimmer & Armitage – The Institute, last seen in Fallout 3
  • Allie Filmore – The Institute, Chief Engineer
  • Alana Secord – The Institute, Synth Retention Bureau
  • Curie – Vault Tec, Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer
  • Boomer – The Raiders, Leader of a Raider group at Outpost Zimonja
  • Ack Ack – The Raiders, a Minigun wielding Raider, Satellite Station Olivia
  • Sinjin – The Raiders, a Ghoul who holds the rank of Leader
  • Hancock – Neutral, a Ghoul who resides as Mayor of Goodneighbor
  • An X6-88 Courser Synth – The Institute, high-end killing machines
  • Strong – Neutral, a Super Mutant with a literal mind

Das Spiel wird sich fürs erste auf Fallout 3 und 4 konzentrieren, was Fraktionen Szenarios und co angeht. Die Rechte an Fallout 1 und 2 sind aber ebenfalls gekauft und passende Inhalte sollen im laufe der Zeit kommen. Zu Anfang sind 4 große Fraktionen und diverse unabhängige Charaktere und Kreaturen geplant.
Das Spielfeld soll 4 * 4 Fuß groß sein, man kann aber auch auf 3 * 3 Fuß herunter gehen. Regeln für größere "Schlachten" werden derzeit intern besprochen, da sollen teilweise auch Trupps agieren.
Das Gelände soll aus Resin, für Autowracks, Nukaautomaten,. Türme, Craftingstationen, Vertibird (komplett und als Wrack) usw., bestehen, Gebäude aus bedruckten stabilen Papier, Resin hat man als Option für Gebäude verneint (wurde extra nachgefragt). Auf die Frage nach Kunststoffbausätzen für Gebäude hält man sich bedenkt, sie wären eine Option aber man hat noch keinen Plan wie man das sinnvoll Modular gestalten könnte. Zu Release wird es also nur die Pappgebäude geben oder man nutzt die Lasercut Teile von diversen 3. Anbietern.
Infohappen zum 2 Spielerset:

Yes there will be a 2 player starter set with pre-assembled minis (in two colours of plastic) likely in a hardened PVC - BUT I'll stress that you'll already be able to get those same minis in high quality resin so this box set is aimed at people who aren't necessarily wargamers, who don't mind the difference, and who want to be able to play out of the box.

Shadow Captain Edithae wrote:By PVC, do you mean the same plastic that Zombicide the Black Plague is made out of? I'm painting up my friend's Black Plague core set as a sort-of *practice commission* and MY GOD DO THE BENDY SWORDS MAKE MY SKIN CRAWL

No it will be a hardened PVC - you could say more like the Walking Dead minis as a guide. That's what we're aiming for anyway. No bendy laser rifles here....

Now we will likely do a 2 player starter bundle in the pre-order so it's a good deal on getting two starter sets etc. In retail we'll see what we can do - I think we'd prefer people can buy the factions they want rather than force a set on everyone. The Plastic 2 player set is really aimed at people who just want to get it quickly and it's got everything you need.
Sehe ich genauso, werde wohl auch bei den Resinminis zugreifen. Sofern die Regelinfos bald kommen und auch gefallen. Hier wird es wirklich langsam Zeit für Infos.

EDIT: Infos:
X6-88 Render

Modiphius have set their sights on the UK Game Expo and will be taking their opportunity to shine. The UK Game Expo is a three day event that runs during the summer, it is hands down the largest hobbyists gaming convention in the UK and, should you feel inclined to attend yourself, you can nab a ticket here.
It’s not yet known what will be shown at the event,
but at this point we do know for
certain that they will be talking about the game in some capacity. Perhaps we will see a live demo game or some new miniatures. As it stands, nobody knows.
The UK Game Expo runs from the 2nd to the 4th of June. Fallout Wasteland Warfare is expected to made available for pre-order this summer period if Bethesda have “signed off on the game and launch sets”. Modiphius hope to release the game this November.
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Und noch ein Schwung Infos:

Taking to the un-official Fallout Wasteland Warfare Facebook page, which you can find here, Founder and Publisher of Modiphius Entertainment Chris Birch has started to seek out community feedback in regards to Scenery and Terrain that they would like to see in the game.
He has done so through the use of a community poll that enthusiastic fans can vote on and there are a lot of options to choose from.
The first poll is all about scenic pieces. Some examples include:

  • Rusted Cars
  • Crashed Vertibirds
  • Vault Tec Containers
  • Street Scatter (Signs, Lamp Posts etc)
  • Livestock
  • Vault Entrances
  • Super Mutant Scatter (Meat Bags etc)
The second poll focuses more on the buildings and structures that players would like to see appear in the game. Some examples include:

  • Modular Basic Walls to create your own custom buildings
  • Red Rocket Station
  • Vault Interior
  • Super Duper Mart
  • Novac Dino Shop

A user of the group made mention of the fact that he doesn’t care about the miniatures, saying, “I want the rules to evoke the Fallout ‘feel’ rather than this just being a skirmish game skinned as Fallout. ”
Commenting on this, Chris said, “The rules have been designed from the ground up to give the feeling of playing fallout – beta testing now will help us refine that so it’s not too complex and plays smoothly whilst still retaining the flavour of the Fallout games”
Following on from this, Christ went on to comment on what players that like to customise their miniatures can expect to see as the game moves forward. He said, “We’ll be doing some resin sprues of heads, gear and weapons to help modders early on. Doing multi-part resin requires a lot of work and providing the parts is much more expensive for people. If things go well we will explore hard plastics which would allow sprues of multi-parts but it’s a massive rabbit hole you can get lost in. Many companies have got it painfully wrong and lost a lot of money so this is something we’d take our time to explore and get it right.”
I like what I’m hearing.
The amount of Terrain a game needs is often a massively influencing factor in the overall experience. Some games require very literal terrain to be played in any meaningful way, others require very dense battlefields of scatter debris and massive scenery pieces.
When a user asked if there was any information regarding terrain density, Chris said, “Good question, range isn’t crazy – you can’t shoot right across the board so it allows you to move around a bit more without fear of getting shot, that said a decent amount of terrain makes it more interesting. We’ll try to discuss this more in the coming weeks.”
When another member of the group asked him if the game would be as terrain heavy as Infinity, Chris responded, “Not as dense as Infinity – there cover is absolutely vital since the other play can shoot if he sees you.”
Speaking about the terrain and scenic pieces that Modiphius Entertainment has in development, Birch said, “As a heads up we’re working on the Red Rocket, Sanctuary Hills houses and lots of accessories like vending machines, turrets, walls, containers, vault-tec boxes, rusted cars and accessories to add to existing buildings. We’ll be developing other buildings too!”
Chris also confirmed that only the buildings in the game will be made from card. Most likely in reference to the previously mentioned “pre-coloured card buildings” that players can make use of straight out of the game box. When asked, “It’s all in card, isn’t it?” Chris responded, “The buildings only, everything else is resin. We’re exploring some building parts in resin too for a generic 50’s Fallout style building.”
Seeing Chris reach out to the community for feedback and information didn’t go unnoticed either. One member of the group said, “Wow Chris Birch is the founder of Modiphius and is actively seeking out input from the player community. I am just blown away. This is an outstanding way to launch a game, and I can’t wait to blow all my rent money on it.”
Chris responded to this post, saying, “Thanks, I’ve always looked for input for all our projects, too many games companies assume they know what the community wants and I think it’s important you listen, and use that information to improve wherever you can.”
Fallout Wasteland Warfare is expected to be made available for Pre-order this summer period and is aiming to launch in November of this year.
Neue Infos:


  • Roughly 40 miniatures have already been sculpted and were immediately approved by Bethesda.
  • One miniature, the Sentry Bot, required a small tweak before being approved. According to Chris, “it wasn’t quite perfect.”
  • The Liberty Prime miniature is being sculpted by a French sculptor, Gael Goumon.
  • When talking about Liberty Prime, Chris held his hands roughly 12-15 inches apart and said, “I don’t know, it’s going to be about this big.” Whether or not this is a literal estimation remains unknown.
  • The game is currently in a closed Beta test for the rules which is split into “about 25 groups” that are “testing the hell out of it.”
  • Chris has said that fans of Mordheim and Necromunda will love the game because it has, “the crew building, the campaign, levelling up…”
  • Fallout 4 is being used as a jumping off point for Fallout Wasteland Warfare because of its public awareness.
  • Chris has said, “you will be able to get some more Vault Dwellers, you’ll be able to get some Riley’s Rangers, all the various neutral factions that you can get on your side.”
  • The release schedule has been tweaked to bring forward the release of characters that were highly requested by the community.
  • As previously stated, the game makes use of character cards. These unit cards are key to unit and character operation. If you have a Unit 3-6 Super Mutants that are represented by their unit card. Or you can turn a Super Mutant into a Character by adding a “Character Card” which gives you access to, “the advanced rules.”
  • Having access to “advanced rules” will let them roll “a special dice” which gets them “extra actions” and it lets them do “much more unusual stuff” in the game.
  • Every single miniature has S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats.
  • The ability to Hack is in the game.
  • Miniatures can use their Charisma to try and “win over a new neutral survivor” or “bully them into joining you.”
  • The ability to Repair is in the game.
  • The game can be played with 30 miniatures per side with teams being made of large groups of “grunt” level miniatures with a single leader or you can go super in depth with just 5 miniatures using the aforementioned advanced rules.
  • The starter box will contain a “mini learning campaign.”
  • New campaigns and story driven content will draw on other Fallout games.
  • In-game events will have an effect on the missions that follow.
  • A new Settlement upgrade has been named. Players can add the Work Bench to their settlement which will somehow influence the players crew.
  • A campaign box will be coming out that expands upon settlement and campaign portions of the game.
  • The base games comes with a “flavour of everything. Chris expands on this saying it will come with, “just enough cards to do a solo game, but every box of figures you buy comes with more solo activation cards and more wasteland encounter cards, so as you’re exploring the wasteland you can find more variety.” Relevant Unit cards are also included in each of these boxes.
  • The game will be showcased at Gen Con. This year Gen Con starts on Thursday the 17th of August and ends on Sunday the 20th of August.
  • Copies of the game might be available at Essen Spiele.
  • Pre-orders should be going live “around July, maybe August, for delivery in October.”