[Kickstarter] Heroquest 25th Anniversary


21 Juli 2011
Die Seite ist im Moment Offline, es wird gerade geklärt ob das ganze Projekt rechtmäßig ist...

In Spanien hat Hasbro die Rechte an Heroquest nicht verlängert. So das Gamezone Miniatures sich diese geschnappt hat und jetzt das Spiel neu rausbringt.


Die Miniaturen und die ursprünglichen Pappaufsteller sind aus Resin.
Es gibt 50 neue Quests. Die alten dürfen nicht von GM verwendet werden.
Das gleiche gilt auch für die Regeln, die werden auch neugeschrieben. Die sind im Moment in einer Testphase und werden hoffentlich noch vor dem Ende von dem Kickstarter veröffentlicht.

Das Spiel + 15 weitere Helden + alle Stretchgoals kann man für etwa 110€ bekommen.
Bisher bin ich nicht besonders begeistert von den SG's, aber das kann sich noch ändern. Zumal sie angekündigt haben, die Abstände zwischen den SG's ständig zu verkleinern. Geplant sind etwa 50 SG's.


Zusammenfassung eines Interviews
(in Englisch, welche ich unten nach den Stretch Goals eingefügt habe.)

Das erste Update erklärt auch noch einiges.

Ach ja, Regeln wird es auch auf Deutsch geben.


Here is a recap of what has been translated by fellow spaniards in the comments. Edit : reorganized!

Regarding the game;

- New HQ will be compatible with the old one and 28-30 mm fantasy miniatures. Probably there will not be any re-edition of the old adventures (as you can get it anywhere...yeoldein)

- Morkar and Zargon will have miniatures! They are agents of a superior entity.

- The core box will include expansions, and a hole campaign

- New Heroquest is Fully compatible with the old One, you can play the old manual campaigns using the new board and miniatures

- Dionisio says the basic price is quite tight, it is even too low for commercial purpose

- The size of each cell: a little bit bigger than in the old one, so that you can move better the miniatures

- The bases are transparent, and you will be able to glue the miniatures as you want

- There will be characters in the Hero Expansion with their own spells

- About the sarcophagus insert and the spirit steel; "You will get wonderful surprises, I am a fan!" "we will not send anything that you cannot use, we know how to make games"

- They are working in a experience/leveling up system which don't need pencil and paper

- They are accepting personal mods for HQ, they will study them and get an agreement to use it.

- All templates, all rooms, and all the maps are double-sided (they are printed on both sides)

- They are trying to transform the heroes card into a card where you can write and clean.

- There are some alpha rules but we will not publish them until people from around the world check them (they name quite a few countries) to make beta rules to be tested by the community.

- There are going to be different editions: Foundation edition, numbered and with backers names on it, with the foundation logo. In XMas 2014, there will be the 25th Anniversary boxes. Once they are finished, they are gone.

- No walls. But they are going to try something good intermediate between walls and a flat board

- They are probably going to include female enemies. Maybe the boss of Morcar and Zargon is a female being...

- There are going to sell metal coins, but they are not going to be add-ons. Gamezone are metal and resin producers.

- They want to try up to 6 players for Beta version

- The core box is going to bring dividers or small coffers, so that everything is well kept. They are passionate about keeping things properly, and with cool things!

Regarding the campaign and stretch goals;

- The rolling stone: is almost twice the size of the barbarian, We'll include one smashed corpse or any helmet there. It is part of a giant rock trap.

- It will be "revealed" that Zargon and Morcar are only agents of a higher and darkest being...

- We only saw the 10% of the SG

- They told that the SG's are going to be an exclusive expansion

- There are more than 50 SG prepared and you can guess the next SG in the secrets image

- They can change mind on not showing the SG if it is very impopular

- The original idea for the SG wasn't using images, but as a story unveiled more and more with each goal achieved.

- As the kickstarter progress, the goals will be at lower amounts (less than 33k CAD) which is unusual... But they want to do it so you keep getting things even if the kickstarter slows down.

- There will be add ons with extra monsters

- SG are meant to add flavour and to use them in future expansion, but you do not really need them to enjoy the core game

- The 50 quest are in basic. all SG are part of Book Quest 2.

- Pledge will be changed and included news perks.

- There's a SG that reveals the old boardgame.

- During the morning, they are working in the creative part of the project, because there is work to do in the creative part. But in the evening and the night, they work for the KS.

- Question: Painted miniatures as addon? Response: probably not, but in their website they will link pages with tutorials or people who want to hire their services.

Regarding the copyrights;

- They can't put the boxes in the shops of foreign countries, but they can sell it worldwide and send it legally.

- Hasbro is probably waiting for the success of the campaign to be interested in" (They keep saying they are in contact with Hasbro).

Regarding shipping costs;

- Shipping costs: "We have to reduce them".

- they just don't want to make profit nor loose money from shipping, the calculator will take the weight and calculate it (no fixed cost for each box, but for each pound). The cost are from spanish postal service, they are trying to reduce them

- If they improve the shipping costs and you've already paid the shipping costs they will reimburse you the difference as a voucher in their shop.

- They have their webmaster working at full throttle to improve/redesing the shipping calculator.

Regarding the future of the game;

- There will be a big surprise by next christmas related with modular boards.

- Big monster for exterior Maps, we must fit a dragon.

- Exterior ruins will lead to dungeons.

- App for smartphones, tablets.

- If the game is successful, they would like to make modular furniture in the future.

- Solo-play would be possible via expansion.

- There are going to be future expansions, and maybe one of them will transform HQ into a more complicated game.
And afterwards, the game is going to be called "Heroquest Classic".

Last message form Dionisio: "Keep calm and Heroquest".
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


21 Juli 2011
Schon witzig. Eine Stunde nach dem ich mir die Mühe das hier zu schreiben, wird es pausiert...

Es kann übrigens auch von GW ausgehen oder irgendwelchen anderen Abmahnanwälten, die irgendwelche Rechte verletzt sehen.

Mal schauen, vielleicht pausiert es lange genug, damit ich vielleicht sogar auch dabei bin.

Es wurde übrigens von Moon Design gestoppt. Hier die offizielle Meldung dazu.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


5 September 2009
HeroQuest 25th Anniversary, KICKSTARTER, VERKAMI, ...

Weiter gehts, Gamezone wollen ihren Kickstarter jetzt auf einer spanischen Kickstarterplattform namens VERKAMI fortsetzen, wie sie in ihrem letzten Update mitgeteilt haben. Ob sie damit "sicher" sind vor anderen Rechteinhabern wird sich zeigen.

Tomorrow at this time we will reopen the HQ25th project in a spanish crowfunding platform, Verkami. We decided do this so we own the trademark in Spain and avoid that can't be attacked in the middle of crowdfunding under any "suspected remote threat."

Everything will be as a "period followed" except for two main differences:

In Verkami, the money given to the project author undertakes to complete the game, and if he didn't, then he have the obligation to return the money to participants.

The stretch goals that were already released, will return to gain from a base figure, all of them, you won't need to unlock them again.

Auch wenn ich mich über eine Neuauflage des Spiel freuen würde, werd ich mich erstmal zurücklehnen und die Dinge geniessen, die da kommen.:partytime2:

@ DeusExMachina: leg das ruhig mit dem geschlossenen Threat zusammen
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


14 November 2001
Wenn ich den Auzug aus dem deutschen Patent und Markenregister korrekt interpretiere begibt sich Gamezone auf höchst dünnes Eis:

https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/m ... 1173083/DE
https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/m ... 2019775/DE

Man könnte bestenfalls "Advanced HeroQuest" übernehmen, denn diese wurde von GW aufgeben. Kennt sich jemand aus, wie der deutsche/englische Markenschutz sich im EU Recht verhält? Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, das im "vereinten" Europa in Spanien andere Markenrechte gelten als in D und UK. Ebenso kann ich mir heute nicht vorstellen, dass noch irgendwer Marken für nur ein einzelnes Land anmeldet bzw. abgibt.

Ich werde auf jeden Fall nicht bei der neuen Kampagne mitmachen. Die Skepsis überwiegt in Anbetracht der Rechtssituation und einer spanischen Plattform von der ich noch nie was gehört habe.


1 Juli 2007
@ DeusExMachina: leg das ruhig mit dem geschlossenen Threat zusammen

Ich hatte des mit Absicht zu gemacht damit das nicht durch einander gerät und die KS Threats frei bleiben für die Teilnehmer und eigentlich KS Disskussion.

Aber Gegenvorschlag du benennst den Thread in die Kickstarter Gerüchte und Plauderecke (oder was ähnlich passendes) um und ich pinn den dann an dann hat man einen Thread für die ganzen Kurzmeldungen und allgemeinen Neuigkeiten.


Hüter des Zinns
7 Mai 2011
Forgeworld Mobile
[Verkami] Heroquest 25th Crowdfunding is back

Tomorrow at this time we will reopen the HQ25th project in a spanish crowfunding platform, Verkami. We decided do this so we own the trademark in Spain and avoid that can't be attacked in the middle of crowdfunding under any "suspected remote threat."

Everything will be as a "period followed" except for two main differences:

In Verkami, the money given to the project author undertakes to complete the game, and if he didn't, then he have the obligation to return the money to participants.

The stretch goals that were already released, will return to gain from a base figure, all of them, you won't need to unlock them again.


Hüter des Zinns
7 Mai 2011
Forgeworld Mobile
Und schon wieder down:
Dear backers,

We want to comunicate our decision of stoping the campaign were you had pledged: ‘Heroquest 25th Anniversary’

The urge to publish the project by the authors today sunday 8 at 1 am has precipitated it’s publication without being able, the team of verkami, to spend the right time to review the project.

After carefully studying the campaign, we believe that the content of the project could be misleading to our users.

Your pledges will be cancelled so no charges will be made in your card or PayPal account.

We thank you for your trust, and we want to apologize for any inconvenience our handling of the project might have caused.

Verkami team

Das ist dann wohl das endgültige Ende. Vielleicht wird es ja was zum 30th ;)


26 November 2005
Traurig wie schlecht die da rangegangen sidn und wie sehr sich das ließt das sie kein Verständniss für die "Klagen" anderer Rechtebesitzer haben.
Schade ich hätte nichts gegen ein neues Heroquest auch unter anderem Namen aber anscheinend wollen sie nicht von diesem Namen abweichen, da sie wohl fürchten sonst nicht genug Geld zu bekommen.


5 September 2009
never ending story

Und sie machen weiter...

In ihrem gestrigen Update, nach dem Abbruch auf Verkami, läßt Gamezone verlauten, daß sie jetzt eine weitere Crowdfunding Plattform suchen, welche ihnen das Projekt nicht gleich schließt.


This early morning Verkami has reached us to inform us that they were cancelling our project. We had been in touch with Verkami since last weekend, after voluntarily asking Kickstarter to cancel the previous project, to be able to launch this new campaign on their website. We had really positive conversations with them, so we expected a nice and sweet crowdfunding campaign.

During the previous days to the crowdfunding launching they were informed about the controversy raised all across the internet about the project, which didn't seem to affect them… until yesterday. Two hours after they gave us green light to open the fund raising and they released it on their site, they phoned us to say that they would rather close it. They have done this out of fear that the polemic surrounding this project could negatively affect Verkami's public image, very oriented to the cultural world.

Our disappointment should be evident. It would have been much better that they just said they wouldn't accept our project from the beginning, before making it public.

And obviously this harms us. But the project goes on. We are already working today to host it in another platform with enough guarantees to see it done.

We will soon inform you where exactly.

A sincere thank you to all of you who keep supporting us.

The griefing Gamezone team

Au man, Erkenntnisresistent