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Erstes Spiel geht am Freitag gegen Necrons.
Gespielt wird ohne Formationen.
Aber hier mal die Liste
+++ Dämonen (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2013) (1849pts) +++
++ Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons: Codex v2003) (1849pts) ++
+ HQ (735pts) +
········Daemon Prince (275pts)
············Daemon Prince of Nurgle [Daemonic Flight, Mastery 3]
········Daemonic Heralds (460pts)
············Herald of Nurgle [D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward, Greater Locus of Fecundity, Psyker Level 2, The Doomsday Bell]
············Herald of Nurgle [D6 Lesser Daemonic Reward, Greater Locus of Fecundity, Psyker Level 2]
············Herald of Tzeentch [D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward, Disc of Tzeentch, Psyker Level 3]
+ Elites (277pts) +
········Beast of Nurgle (104pts) [2x Beasts]
········Beast of Nurgle (104pts) [2x Beasts]
········Flamers of Tzeentch (69pts) [3x Flamers]
+ Troops (365pts) +
········Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]
········Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]
········Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]
········Plaguebearers of Nurgle (115pts) [Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos, 10x Plaguebearers, Upgrade one Plaguebearer to Plagueridden]
········Plaguebearers of Nurgle (115pts) [Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos, 10x Plaguebearers, Upgrade one Plaguebearer to Plagueridden]
+ Fast Attack (472pts) +
········Plague Drones of Nurgle (347pts) [Death's Heads, Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos, 6x Plague Drones, Rot Proboscis]
············Upgrade one Plague Drone to Plaguebringer [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward]
········Screamers of Tzeentch (125pts) [5x Screamers]
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
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hier werde ich Listen posten und Spielberichte schreiben.
Erstes Spiel geht am Freitag gegen Necrons.
Gespielt wird ohne Formationen.
Aber hier mal die Liste
+++ Dämonen (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2013) (1849pts) +++
++ Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons: Codex v2003) (1849pts) ++
+ HQ (735pts) +
········Daemon Prince (275pts)
············Daemon Prince of Nurgle [Daemonic Flight, Mastery 3]
········Daemonic Heralds (460pts)
············Herald of Nurgle [D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward, Greater Locus of Fecundity, Psyker Level 2, The Doomsday Bell]
············Herald of Nurgle [D6 Lesser Daemonic Reward, Greater Locus of Fecundity, Psyker Level 2]
············Herald of Tzeentch [D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward, Disc of Tzeentch, Psyker Level 3]
+ Elites (277pts) +
········Beast of Nurgle (104pts) [2x Beasts]
········Beast of Nurgle (104pts) [2x Beasts]
········Flamers of Tzeentch (69pts) [3x Flamers]
+ Troops (365pts) +
········Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]
········Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]
········Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]
········Plaguebearers of Nurgle (115pts) [Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos, 10x Plaguebearers, Upgrade one Plaguebearer to Plagueridden]
········Plaguebearers of Nurgle (115pts) [Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos, 10x Plaguebearers, Upgrade one Plaguebearer to Plagueridden]
+ Fast Attack (472pts) +
········Plague Drones of Nurgle (347pts) [Death's Heads, Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos, 6x Plague Drones, Rot Proboscis]
············Upgrade one Plague Drone to Plaguebringer [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward]
········Screamers of Tzeentch (125pts) [5x Screamers]
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
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