
1 Juli 2007
Alles in allem halte ich es für ein Gerücht, dass Mantic es mal wieder "verbockt" hat.

Ansichtssache aber für mich gegen druchaus stimmiges Artwork und Ergebnis zu weit aus einander, ok keine Schauckelpferd Drachenkavellerie Elfen aber trotzdem nicht überzeugend

Naja, jeder hat halt seine Meinung und das DEM Mantic nicht "mag" ist ja nun nix neues.

Hat damit nix zu tun. Wären sie gut geworden hätte ich sie mir für WIMP mal angesehen.


4 Juni 2004
Ich kann DeMs Posts durchaus einordnen, Iceeagle. ;) Ich bin ja nicht erst seit gestern hier.
Natürlich hat jeder seine Meinung, hab ich ja auch im ersten Satz meines Posts so geschrieben. Ich teile DeMs Meinung halt so gar nicht und hab mir heraus genommen, das ähnlich mitzuteilen, wie er zu schreiben pflegt.

Also, ich hab mir die Figuren und ihre Konzeptzeichnung jetzt nochmal genau nebeneinander angesehen und kann die von dir postulierte Diskrepanz zwischen beiden einfach nicht erkennen, Deus. Eine völlige Deckungsgleichheit gibt es eh nicht, aber die sind verdammt nah dran. Die Zeichnungen stehen dazu noch aufrecht ohne jegliche Dynamik im Gegensatz zum gezeigten Modell. Das Knie ist ein Kritikpunkt, okay. Indem man die Knieplatte etwas verschiebt bzw das Bein etwas verbiegt, sollte sich das ganz gut beheben lassen, falls es einen wirklich so stört. Auf den anderen Blickwinkeln der Bilder finde ich nicht, dass dass das so schlimm aussieht. Dazu wird es höchstwahrscheinlich noch andere Posen geben. Also, alles in allem in meinen Augen immer noch kein Anlass, die Figuren so umfassend zu verdammen. Aber jeder wie er will. :)


-Fremdhersteller Troll-
31 Januar 2010
Beurteile nie eine Mini nach einem Foto sondern immer erst nach dem du sie in Natura gesehen hast. Und das Mantic bei Fotos eher suboptimal arbeitet ist ja jetzt nicht grad neu.
Nuja... nicht nur bei den Fotos. Auch die Minis sind, mit Ausnahme der Untoten, mMn suboptimal... das spiegelt aber lediglich meinen eigenen Geschmack wieder.
Den Enforcer-Captain finde ich jetzt ebenfalls nicht sooo berauschend, aber er spielt definitiv in einer höheren Liga, als z.B. Elfen oder Zwerge.


11 Februar 2012
Ihr kriegt was ihr bezahlt und über Geschmack muss man nicht streiten.

Die Elfen von Mantic gehen deshalb nicht, weil wir doch alle seit x-Jahren von GW gesagt kriegen wie die aussehen.
Elfen aber sind zierlicher und Mantic macht das eben so. Reine Gewöhnungssache.

Die Untoten dagegen sind größtenteils einfach nur genial. Orks sind eben Orks und die Zwerge finde ich langweilig. Die Hybrid Kits (Dunkelelfen und Chaoszwerge) gefallen mir gar nicht.

Bei Warpath finde ich die Imp.. sorry Corporation Minis sehr gut als Elysianer Ersatz ;). Squats und Ratten ..naja wems gefällt.

Aber interessant wie Mantic hier "auf Kosten von GW verdient". War so nicht der Vorwurf an CHS? Mantic macht es mMn wesentlich eindeutiger und hat über den Preis schon ziemlich viele Marktanteile von GW abgegrast. Mal ganz ehrlich wen bitteschön interessiert es wo die 100 Orks auf der Platte herkommen, wie die aussehen und mit was die bemalt wurden? Und wer nur mit/gegen Original - GW Preise, sorry Minis spielen will geht nen Tisch weiter.

Ich will spielen und Spass haben. Mantic bietet mir das in guter Qualität zum halben GW Preis.


22 September 2005



28 Oktober 2010
The Summer of Kings of War


27 March 2013 16:32
DreadBall Season 2 is heralding a summer of Kings of War – and Ronnie was keen to tell you all about it!

Firstly, thank you for your patience. Kings of War and the plastic range behind it has taken a back seat for too long – but reinforcements are on the horizon. And when this vast horde arrives surely the world will tremble!

Mantic set out to make fantasy and sci-fi war gaming affordable and fun. We wanted to bring innovation in, and enjoy huge battles fought between epic armies – and that means the sets need to be affordable, and easy enough to assemble and onto the battlefield. We always intended to have a rule set – but were quite aware that people might want to use or affordable models in many other gaming systems – and one in particular

Last year we released our first hardback rulebook, after two years of beta testing. It contained all the army list and rules needed to play a complete game of Kings of War. The game is designed to be played between armies filled with numerous regiments and lots of models, but it still ends with a clear result in just a couple of hours (with lots of death along the way!). Just before the book released we put it on Kickstarter and asked people to help us add more units to each of the main armies, such as werewolves, Orc chariots and even Dwarf cavalry!

At the beginning of the campaign we thought we would get backing to make a few units for each army and possibly bring a few regiments forward from future years. We also hoped to get a new book with a range of heroes in it. We were very surprised at the staggering response. 28 days and no sleep later, we had raised financing for 22 new plastic units, and funding for the complete human army – plus a few exclusive models and many heroes – an unthinkable achievement at the beginning of the campaign.
We had to then get on with sculpting and tooling them all – no easy task – especially because we wanted to keep our standards as high as they had always been.

This May sees the new sets ship to our backers, and then the range will roll out to retailers’ and on to the gaming tables around the world. We will be presenting the range as the figures and kits for Kings of War. However, we expect many sets will get picked up for other gaming systems – both RPGs and Wargames. The funding has allowed us to release these kits at fantastic prices – so while the kickstarters benefited, we can also release these sets into the trade market at very keen prices. For example a pack of three trolls will be retailing for just £14.99 $24.99 – and they are going to look something like this…

To show just how many sets are now available as new releases here is a list of the kits we will be releasing through retailers in June, July and August (NOTE that this is NOT to be confused with the package Kickstarter Backers will get – there will be an update on the kickstarter detailing the KOW Shipment 2 contents next week.)

- Trolls
- Orc Gore Chariot
- Orc Fight Wagon
- Undead Mummies
- Undead Werewolves
- Undead Vampiress Lady Ilona
- Undead Lord Malak
- The Basilean Legacy
- Basilean Men at Arms
- Basilean Paladins
- Basilean Crossbowmen
- Basilean Elohi
- Basilean Sisterhood
- Basilean Sisterhood Lancers
- Basilean Paladin Knights
- Basilean Chariot
- Basilean High Priest
- Kings and Legends
- Ogre Warriors
- Ogre Shooters
- Ogre Grokagamok

These will all be at great Mantic prices, and supported with 2 complete books. One book ‘Kings and Legends’ will be focused on the heroes that live in Mantica, and their forces.

The second book ‘The Basilean Legacy’ looks in detail at one of the powerful human armies that battle all comers as they defend their realms. This expansion also has some basic army lists for two new factions and more rules for magic and magic items.
Here is a
video of the work-in-progress Men-at-Arms sculpts (our first foray into using 3D sculpting for hard plastics!) and some shots of the sculpts – we expect this human army will be massive!

Basilean Paladins

Basilean Sisterhood

All summer we will be running Kings of War events, and treating this as a launch for the system and the kits. We will be running tournaments through the summer, and nationals in the autumn in the UK and USA and trying to get more in central and Western Europe and Australasia (please get in touch if you are interested). Overall we will be having a massive support program to help build the system, and on the back of the popularity of Dreadball we hope many new people will be looking again at Mantic and what we have to offer.

So, please accept my apologies for not getting you more product sooner, I hope the coming month’s releases will make up for it.

And thank you, for sticking with us and support us while we charged off with Dreadball and other projects. We will never leave it so long between big, exciting releases again!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


26 November 2005
Mars Attacks von Mantic

Mars Attacks is coming!

We’re pleased to be working with Topps on a new licensed Mars Attacks tabletop wargame, due for release in 2014! Here’s the full story:
Is your tabletop ready to be invaded? The Topps Company and Mantic Games have joined forces to bring MARS ATTACKS to life as a miniature-based tabletop war-game! Combining high quality sculpted figures with fast and fun tactical gameplay, Mantic will deliver an exciting new dimension to the resurgent sci-fi property.
Mantic Games, makers of the popular WARPATH and DREADBALL tabletop games, will make MARS ATTACKS their first license. “MARS ATTACKS is a cult classic series that fans have been falling in love with generation after generation,” says Ronnie Renton, Mantic CEO. “Its oddball blend of retro sci-fi visuals, dark humor and over-the-top violence will make for a unique tabletop experience… our team can’t wait to bring the Martians to life in ways no one has ever seen before!”

Set against the backdrop of the new and expanding MARS ATTACKS universe, the game will feature all of the fun and thrill of the classic series, plus new characters and factions that will see action in upcoming comic books and toys. It will also tie-in closely with Topps’ just-announced all-new trading card series, Mars Attacks: Invasion, releasing in October.
“MARS ATTACKS is a world where giant robots, mutated insects and hordes of Martian soldiers face off against Earth’s military and innocent civilians— how could you not want to see a game out of that?” says Topps’ Adam Levine. “Mantic has quickly become one of the best in the business, and they’re the perfect team to adapt our outrageous visuals into this exciting new form.”
Mantic plans an early 2014 release.
For more information on MARS ATTACKS, including regular updates on new products and cards, follow on facebook:

Quelle: Mantic Seite